Blackmask is a female dog.
how do you know the dog is female?
Blackmask is a female dog.
Seriously man, you should just change back your name to blackmask. No one's going to call you crow.
Seriously man, you should just change back your name to blackmask. No one's going to call you crow.
never, blackmask is dead.
Blackmask what's the name change thing all about? Did you do something you're embarassed about? How many names have you gone through? Can we vote on your next name?
Seriously man, you should just change back your name to blackmask. No one's going to call you crow.
never, blackmask is dead.
But why 'crow'? Didn't you check the members list and see that there's already a cr0w on this board? Or did you figure that the lowercase 'o' really sets you apart?