That's exactly what this game is for!
btw - New maps and characters are being released to Live and PSN this week. I forgot the details, but it will be a $10 download.
whoah... they are really trying to kill this game, aren't they? I'm using PC, BTW.
This game IMO has some serious weaknesses (and I'm a HUGE LOTR fan and was really looking fwd to this game!) and now they want to CHARGE for extra maps??!! Unreal was better than this 10 years ago!!
Serious Flaw #1: I can't fully assign keystrokes the way I see fit, the numeric keypad for example, I can't assign "5" for going backwards. WTF??!!
Serious Flaw #2: no World Builder? I fear this game won't have much legs.
Serious Flaw #3: no upgradeable moves for characters progressing thru campaigns.
Serious Flaw #4: all classes in all races are the same, have the same moves. Snore.
Serious Flaw #5: Mages?? In LOTR?
Serious Flaw#6: Continuity. In the good campaign, Aragorn is in his royal garb when he should have been Strider (I forget exactly which map that was). That's just lazy and cheap.
Serious Bonus: it's LOTR
P.S. Legolas is being pretty pesky at Rivendell. I think I will enjoy slaughtering this one vs Aragorn.