Darth Caedus
Formerly Congerking
So is anybody still playing? I haven't played in months, just haven't had the time, but does anybody?
Recently started playing again as I'm pretty much caught up on console gaming. I just leveled up to 39. If anyone wants to group just let me know a time and place in Middle Earth.
Damn, level 39, that's hardcore. I have 3 characters in the high 20s/low 30s; but I just stopped. I might pick it up in the coming up future. When you play xbox-live, you should play with us; great times.
Not all that hardcore when you consider I have no alts. I find your 3 toons more hardcore.
As for joining you guys on Xbox Live, is there a SSF gamertag list some where?
Ok folks, many of us gamers have finally caught up on our console gaming. I've been getting back into LOTRO and we have a few new players as well. How about we have a Kinship meet in Bree, in front of the Prancing Pony on Saturday, February 2nd, 10:00 PM EST.
We can then create fellowships and thanks to the updated quest log GUI, see which quests are most common to us all. Perhaps help out some of the lower level folks as well. Getting around to complete various quests should be easier if we have a few high level Hunters to help quick travel their fellowships.
We can also discuss/trade any crafting skills/items that will mutually benefit each other.
Hope to see many of you there.
Lord of the Rings Online developer Turbine has taken steps to ensure it has the LOTR license for the next several years.
Turbine said Wednesday that it reached an agreement with Tolkien Enterprises to create games based on the LOTR book franchise to 2014, with "additional options" to extend the license to 2017.
“With the recent announcement of what are sure to be two blockbuster films based on The Hobbit and a sequel, we expect the success of the license and our relationship with Tolkien Enterprises to grow for years to come," said Turbine chief exec Jim Crowley in a statement.
The first expansion is coming this fall.
MINES OF MORIA will introduce 2 new classes, 3 new zones, and increase the level cap to 60.