LOTR: Simply the best films ever made

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
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Eden Prairie, MN
Just watched FOTR and TTT on TNTHD this weekend. Even a few years later I still can't believe how utterly stupendous these films are in absolutely every way. Everything from the realization of elves, dwarves, and hobbits in live-action form to the epic story, music and acting.

What a triumph of cinema. Bring on ROTK in HD (next weekend, woohoo!) and more Premium Formats Sideshow!
They are absolutely amazing and when you read about all the effort that went into making them (as I have been doing with "Peter Jackson . A Film-maker's Journey") they become even more so.

They could not have been better.
You are 100% right on this Khev!! I thought that no movie series would ever really get me going after Star Wars, but LOTR blew them all away. I was hooked after the first 20 minutes and I still get teary at the end. It's wonderfully casted, acted, directed... A perfect 10. I have nothing to nit pick about it, no lines that I disliked or anything...

The best fantasy film of all time and I don't see it being knocked down from that position any time soon. :D
I was wondering if anyone else caught them this weekend. Absolutely amazing, even if it was just the regular version. Can't wait for ROTK this weekend. How long til these come out in HD-DVD???
I agree. These movies just totally blend the imagination of tolkien to what was thought never possible. These truly grab me and just don't let go. This is why PJ must do The Hobbit.
Although i still think SW is number 1 and nothing will ever beat it.LOTR came close enough for me to get that faith again that magical movies can still be made.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that nothing could have been better, cause for me, everything should have been added and the LoTR movies should have been 26 hours long. But for what they are, can't get any better than.
I am totally in line with this thread. I have not seen anything that comes close to LOTR although I do love Star Wars. The brilliance of Jackson is that he was able to "big up" small parts like Arwen (bringing in a female audience) and delete characters like Bombadil (would have been LOTR's Jar Jar), much against the wishes of the purists.

Jackson is like a pint of Guinness........pure Genius!:D
From script to production, from cast to crew, I don't think more effort and love has ever been put into a film/s than in the LOTR trilogy. Each film was nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards with ROTK winning. That alone speaks volumes to the legacy of the trilogy.
I saw TTT last weekend on TNT and it is just simply amazing. I never get tired of these films.

Just watching them makes me appreciate my SS/Weta collection much more!
One thing I can't STAND about TNT's presentation, though; you're watching, and suddenly, there's Kyra Sedgwick in the lower right corner of the screen, promoting "The Closer". That, along with the TNT logo that pops up from time to time is so distracting to me that I can't enjoy the movie . And the full-screen presentation is just another reminder to me of why I rarely watch movies on broadcast television.
To watch these film pan & scan is blasphemy. If you don't own them on DVD, do yourself a favor and pick up the new DVDs with both the theatrical and director cuts. Never ever watch these masterpieces in fool-frame.
I watched the films this past weekend on TNT, and I gotta say that even though it was only the theatrical version of them, they were incredible in HD! I didn't think there would be that much of a difference, but there was! Looking forward to seeing ROTK this weekend. How bout we gather in the chatroom when ROTK is on to oohhh and ahh over the HD clarity? Gotta work on my sound system some before the weekend though, the subwoofer doesn't seem right here. And, we gotta have that woofing going full blast for ROTK!
I have judged every single film I view, whether fantasy or not by the bar of LOTR. Very few, come close.
These films are probably my favorite films of all time as well. I just never get tired of them. I saw Fellowship in the theatres four times(technically five if you count trilogy tuesday) and I rarely see a movie more than once in the theatres.
Beruthiel said:
I watched the films this past weekend on TNT, and I gotta say that even though it was only the theatrical version of them, they were incredible in HD! I didn't think there would be that much of a difference, but there was! Looking forward to seeing ROTK this weekend. How bout we gather in the chatroom when ROTK is on to oohhh and ahh over the HD clarity? Gotta work on my sound system some before the weekend though, the subwoofer doesn't seem right here. And, we gotta have that woofing going full blast for ROTK!

I should get my new sub on Thursday so I can't wait for ROTK this weekend.