LOTR: Simply the best films ever made

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DarkArtist81 said:
You are 100% right on this Khev!! I thought that no movie series would ever really get me going after Star Wars, but LOTR blew them all away. I was hooked after the first 20 minutes and I still get teary at the end. It's wonderfully casted, acted, directed... A perfect 10. I have nothing to nit pick about it, no lines that I disliked or anything...
Yep, that pretty much sums it up. :) I didn't think anything would ever dethrone The Empire Strikes Back but lo and behold I rank all three LOTR films above it.

I just want to dissect everything I love about those movies but I'd be posting for two hours if I even tried!

At the end of TTT Sunday night when Frodo and Sam had their last exchange of the movie ("Frodo couldn't have gotten far without Sam/Now now, you shouldn't make fun, I was being serious/So was I") my wife said "Now how did they do that without it being cheesy? Some people just have the touch."

And really every single frame of all three movies has "the touch." I'm in awe of the fact that such a gargantuan undertaking was executed so masterfully and that it was done so in ever increasing measure with each chapter of the trilogy (I know many like FOTR the best but for me its ROTK.)

The Shire, Arwen's flight from the Ringwraiths, Rivendell, Moria, Helm's Deep, the Last March of the Ents, the Battle of Pelenor Fields, Shelob's Lair, and every single second Frodo and Sam spent on Mount Doom. What a triumph many times over.
Yep, total agreement. I'm trying to think of a single thing I hated about 16 plus hours of LOTr, and alls I got is "it wasn't 17 hours."
For all those who speak for these movies.. imagine Hobbit not made by PJ and his team....
gtb said:
For all those who speak for these movies.. imagine Hobbit not made by PJ and his team....

For me...it's imagine the Silmarillion made by PJ and his team...I would literally wake a week in line to see that movie....
Wasn't this discussed in Clerks 2????

Sorry just saw Clerks 2 the other day.

But yea I agree they are some of the best.
I will have to agree that, IMO, these are some of the best movies ever made from top to bottom.
KitFisto said:
I will have to agree that, IMO, these are some of the best movies ever made from top to bottom.

I would give the OT a slight edge over these, but if you incorporate the PT and do either saga, it's LOTR. Either way, I never get tired of watching these films.
Have to say that whole-heartedly agree with this thread. The LOTR trilogy was amazing in the theater, amazing in DVD, and still amazing in pan & scan HD! These films are my all-time favorite and continue to grow on me. Just can't express how much these films impacted my life and my work! What a tribute to true cinematic genius!

I sure hope those dopes at New Line don't screw this next movie up...

I just passed the ariving of the Elves at Helms Deep in TTT.

I totally agree there one of the best movies ever made.
Darth Loki said:
I would give the OT a slight edge over these, but if you incorporate the PT and do either saga, it's LOTR. Either way, I never get tired of watching these films.

I wasn't even trying to do a Star Wars comparrison. Just judging the LOTR by themselves and to me they are cinematic art.

I really can't compare them to Star Wars in a VS. way as I love them both and they both had an affect on me in one way or another. Star Wars from childhood and LOTR in adulthood.
I agree, the LOTR films are for me simply movie perfection! I have yet to see a better film, only the Star Wars OT comes close. Perfect casting, great acting and great directing - Are you taking note New Line?
Seeing as how I saw the movies before reading the books, I was never at a point to criticize something for being different. The only think I will complain about is, no Scouring of the Shire. It's my favorite chapter in all the books, and after reading it I couldn't believe it wasn't in the movie. But I have no problems with what else was left out of the extended versions (the only versions that exist in my mind).
DarkArtist81 said:
The best fantasy film of all time and I don't see it being knocked down from that position any time soon. :D

The truth has been written............

No other way to say it........
Rather than go on a long tirade about the glories of LOTR, the likes of which I have delved into in other forums, I'll simply say that not since Jurassic Park did a tale so profoundly touch every aspect of my life. The greatest story ever told...
While I don't collect LOTR, will always have a soft spot for the original Star Wars trilogy, and my favorite trilogy will be - unless the sky falls - Pirates of the Caribbean, I do think LOTR is the best. It's fabulously made. The acting. The story. The drama. The characters. The writing. The execution. The effects. Everything, everything is excellent.

It's the most solid of the trilogies.
The LOTR movies were very good films....but the best films ever made....it's a stretch (unless we are talking about visuals). I found myself falling asleep at different parts of the trilogy upon first viewings (maybe I was tired :eek: ). I'm not saying this to slight the LOTR movies, as I am a fan of PJ's trilogy, but rather not letting my love for the films cloud my judgement in a category such as this...