DarkArtist81 said:
You are 100% right on this Khev!! I thought that no movie series would ever really get me going after Star Wars, but LOTR blew them all away. I was hooked after the first 20 minutes and I still get teary at the end. It's wonderfully casted, acted, directed... A perfect 10. I have nothing to nit pick about it, no lines that I disliked or anything...
Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

I didn't think anything would
ever dethrone The Empire Strikes Back but lo and behold I rank all
three LOTR films above it.
I just want to dissect everything I love about those movies but I'd be posting for two hours if I even tried!
At the end of TTT Sunday night when Frodo and Sam had their last exchange of the movie ("Frodo couldn't have gotten far without Sam/Now now, you shouldn't make fun, I was being serious/So was I") my wife said "Now how did they do that without it being cheesy? Some people just have the touch."
And really every single frame of all three movies has "the touch." I'm in awe of the fact that such a gargantuan undertaking was executed so masterfully and that it was done so in ever increasing measure with each chapter of the trilogy (I know many like FOTR the best but for me its ROTK.)
The Shire, Arwen's flight from the Ringwraiths, Rivendell, Moria, Helm's Deep, the Last March of the Ents, the Battle of Pelenor Fields, Shelob's Lair, and every single second Frodo and Sam spent on Mount Doom. What a triumph many times over.