Lounge lorne 12"

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Sideshow have always been in it to bring us what we want. The rules they have to follow, bring up obstacles, impeding them to do it. Firstly they have to make money. We all know that. That being the root of all evil, quickly grows into a tree or a weed, if you choose to take that attitude. The dream is something we all aspire to but not all attain.

Sideshow have long been producing a thick stream of figures, covering a major portion of every line they have held licence to. You could say they completed none, or you could choose to say, "we got the heroes, even if it was just one hero this time round". They have given us our dreams fulfilled but sometimes you must wake up before the dream is done. Change, transition, it goes on all around, and we are forced to change with it. Change habits, change disappointment into opportunity. A last opportunity to embrace what will be a very collectible piece.

I estimate the Lorne to be 300 strong should the pre-order rush justify it. It may be a rehash, it may be just a suit, but it will be a prize. Extremely limited? Yes, I can see maybe 100. Less than that and I expect to see the 'disappointed in Sideshow' threads fire up. Its negative seal, of a most successful sale, of approval stamped all over it.

Promises can't always be kept with only having good intentions. Lack of sales is probably the mildest form of boycott by the collecting consumer. Sideshow have, however, done all they can to end the line on a good note. They have given us one more prize. They have made it extremely limited, and they are offering it to newsletter members, in an attempt to give the avid fan the most promising outcome. The fact that it is limited, tells me they knew this wouldn't be received well, and were rushed. It's always stressful when either you choose to change or have it forced upon you. That goes for Sideshow too.

Star Wars can't be blamed for anything other than decimating the 1/6 collector's habits. They have the numbers, the competitive resolution of its fans, forcing the abandonment of all else, forcing the abandonment of us by Sideshow. Sideshow, still giving its most, to the most. Same as it's ever been.
creecher, it seems to me that you are saying the Buffy property isn't profitable. While only Sideshow has that information, I doubt that is the case. My guess is that the Buffy property is profitable, but not nearly as profitable as other properties. Sideshow probably figures that its time, money, and energy is better placed into other properties. I think it would probably be more accurate to say that Buffy is not profitable enough.
I wont be getting this only beacuse I dont see Lorne as a 100+ dollar value figure after shipping and customs. Also I think that the Extremly limited thing will bring all thoes crazy flippers out to buy them up and re-sell them for 3 times the price on Ebay or more. Well depending on the edition size.
BillyBudd said:
creecher, it seems to me that you are saying the Buffy property isn't profitable. While only Sideshow has that information, I doubt that is the case. My guess is that the Buffy property is profitable, but not nearly as profitable as other properties. Sideshow probably figures that its time, money, and energy is better placed into other properties. I think it would probably be more accurate to say that Buffy is not profitable enough.

Judging from what I've seen at retailers and on ebay (Buffy figures being sold for $25 and less), I would have to disagree. I think the Buffy line was on the decline for a while. It saddens me because there are many characters that I would have loved to have seen done (Anya in a bunny suit being at the top of my list :D ). As for why the line was not doing well, my opinion is that poor likenesses and some seemingly odd choices of characters were to blame. The Faith figure doesn't look anything like Eliza Dushku and Cordelia was pretty bad too. One also has to wonder why we didn't get a Cordelia in the Buffy line, say in a cheerleader outfit. Seems to have been a natural. I know I may get blasted for this, but it always seemed to me that D'Hoffryn was an odd choice for a figure when there were so many other core characters to choose from. Of course, the fact that it is pretty much impossible to find shows that it was well received.
DBoz said:
Judging from what I've seen at retailers and on ebay (Buffy figures being sold for $25 and less), I would have to disagree...

Wouldn't Sideshow already have made its money from the retailer? I don't know how the transactions between Sideshow and the retailers work, but I always figured that the retailers pay for the figures up front. Whether or not a figure makes it into a collector's hands would then be the retailer's problem.
Retailers that can't sell Buffy figures won't be ordering more Buffy figures. There is no relationship more symbiotic than that of a manufacturer and a retailer.
DBoz said:
I know I may get blasted for this, but it always seemed to me that D'Hoffryn was an odd choice for a figure when there were so many other core characters to choose from. Of course, the fact that it is pretty much impossible to find shows that it was well received.

It wasn't very well received here. There was a real lackluster response as I remember. Great figure, not so exciting costume was how most (myself included) felt. The reason it goes for so much on ebay is due to it's limited ES.
I'm in the feeling insulted category myself. In stock with little notice and no notice that they'll offer this up back when they released the original version is what's sour to me. I really wasn't a fan of the Yellow suit version and would've preferred this new version but I don't have any money to afford this one, the 3 Endor Troopers, Emma Frost Comiquette and Giles at the same time (if he ships this month as Sideshow has said previously) If I know Giles and Faramir are a little ways off I might be able to swing this one.
It's springing this on us suddenly that's irritating to me.
I have to admit, I'm getting neither of $ide$how's Lorne figures. Their having dragged their ***** in issuing "core" characters led me to create my own Lorne some time ago. He is just as good as what they are offering and the money saved on him actually is going toward Giles, as he was extremely overdue.... and pivotal.
More to the point, if this figure is indeed rushed to get it to us as a last "hurrah" then that is just one more insult. If you are going to show a bit of sympathy to the fans for killing the lines, then
- you don't "rush" a rehash into production as a thank you type parting gift
- you issue one last figure that you knew fans were clamoring for
- you let it go. you already killed the line, why had injury to insult?

I, for one, whole heartedly support the threads to fill our collections with custom sculpted versions of the characters that $ide$how ignored. Not just with Buffy/Angel but in ALL the lines. I encourage fans of each line to do the same. Buffy and Angel head sculpts will be forthcoming. Planet of the Apes head sculpts will be forthcoming. I encourage everyone to buy a sculpt from every poll posted. Complete your customs with them and show them off here. Maybe, just maybe, one of the muckity mucks at $ide$how will see all the wonderful work that could have been sales for them and reconsider at least one of the lines.
I encourage you to likewise support the other companies that ARE trying to deliver a variety of figures to us. Hot Toys, while more expensive, are giving 1:6 dreams to collectors. Detalied weapons, unis and accessories that $$C couldn't touch. Headsculpts? Sure they need a repaint, but WTH, so did most all of $ide$how's. SFM, bringing Lost in Space to us and now teamed with Triad Toys. I am stoked about this. LIS was a great escapism show and to have 1:6 versions just ROCKS. Majestic, sadly too late for this fallen comrade, but they were delivering some nice product and some support would have helped us see many more classic figures in our collections.

I digress. Sorry. Bottom line on Lorne, its a cheesy, last minute rehash to get extra money out of collectors they just finished screwing. Left hanging. Slapped in the face. However you word it, the result is the same.
I'm sorry you're so bitter and disappointed, but how can you sing the praises of companies that have far more potential than they do a track record? Hot Toys has just begun to deliver Sideshow quality sculpts and then only 2 in about 20 figures (Rambo and Superman). I'll be very surprised if ANYTHING ever comes from Sci-Fi Metropolis or Triad.

I know you're completely fixated on 1/6th and everything else is meaningless to you, but that isn't true of SSC nor of the majority of the collectors. 1/6th is an incredibly tough business right now and SSC knows what they can and can't put their resources into. A lot of companies have attempted 1/6th and failed (Palisades, Majestic, etc.) and SSC has managed to survive and thrive - mainly because they've continued to expand their focus to other types of product. If they'd have done what you suggest and concentrate on 1/6 lines that have proven not to sell, they'd either be gone or we'd be waiting on the 2nd wave of promised figures after 2 years (LiS).
Darklord Dave said:
I'm sorry you're so bitter and disappointed, but how can you sing the praises of companies that have far more potential than they do a track record? Hot Toys has just begun to deliver Sideshow quality sculpts and then only 2 in about 20 figures (Rambo and Superman). I'll be very surprised if ANYTHING ever comes from Sci-Fi Metropolis or Triad.
How? Well, outside of Rambo, not a rehash in the bunch of humans yet. $ide$how would have had 3 Ripleys and no Hicks yet. As for sculpts? I wouldn't be comparing sculpts if I were defending $ide$how. They [$$C] have long been shown on this board as oversized and in dire need of repaints. And, thats with HAVING the license. Sure, some of Hot Toys heads need a repaint, but they don't have the likeness rights of the actors. Still, they supply the "core" characters. $ide$how would have issued one, maybe two Aliens and called it quits, saying the main characters had been done and they couldn't see continuing the line. Maybe a Ripley but that would have been the farewell figure and have taken years to get to [Giles].
As for SFM and Triad.... Prepare to be surprised then.

Darklord Dave said:
I know you're completely fixated on 1/6th and everything else is meaningless to you, but that isn't true of SSC nor of the majority of the collectors. 1/6th is an incredibly tough business right now and SSC knows what they can and can't put their resources into. A lot of companies have attempted 1/6th and failed (Palisades, Majestic, etc.) and SSC has managed to survive and thrive - mainly because they've continued to expand their focus to other types of product. If they'd have done what you suggest and concentrate on 1/6 lines that have proven not to sell, they'd either be gone or we'd be waiting on the 2nd wave of promised figures after 2 years (LiS).
Meaningless? I wouldn't say that, but yes, I am a 1:6 collector first and foremost. Yes Majestic made some poor moves and couldn't keep its head above water. I'm not certain what caused Palisades' demise. However, they both supplied figures long sought after. I hear so often in $ide$how's defense they won't make what won't sell. The reverse is also true. You can't sell what you won't make. I don't believe I ever said that they should abandon everything else they make and concentrate on only 1:6. However, you could never convince me that Salacious Crumb or no name Endor rebels are more "core" to $tar War$ than Wesley, Fred or Gunn to Angel. Cordelia to Buffy. Aldo to Planet of the Apes. Rod Serling to Twilight Zone. ETC....
There's nothing wrong with SSC's sculpting or painting. Pound for pound, they're still the best by far in that regard.
TheObsoleteMan said:
There's nothing wrong with SSC's sculpting or painting. Pound for pound, they're still the best by far in that regard.

Well, everyone is entitled to an opinion. However, if you read any of the threads throughout this forum I believe you'll find a great deal of dissatisfaction with quite a number of sculpts and/or paint apps.
- Brent
- Nova
- Mulder
- Willow
- Luke
- Han
- Cordelia
- Faith
- Ursus
and these are just off the top of my head. Sure repaints have salvaged many of them and shown what the true sculpts were, but this shouldn't be necessary for a figure that is licensed. Hot Toys has sidestepped the licenses and delivered great sculpts, but yes they do need repainting. SFM's Lost in Space sculpts are dead on as were the Trek prototypes they showed.
$ide$how's sculpts the best by far? I don't think so.
TheObsoleteMan said:
There's nothing wrong with SSC's sculpting or painting. Pound for pound, they're still the best by far in that regard.
Quite true. Rather than focus on what Sideshow need to do, as the future is unwritten, focus on what they have done and done bloody well. And bloody well for a bloody good price. One third of the price of a Hot Toy and with killer sculpt, clothes, accessories and packaging. Hot toys drag out the re-hashes, at exhorbitant prices is why it is unnecessary and a kick in the face, Finally giving us a decent Robocop. Some of Hot Toys don't need a repaint is more accurate. They supply the core characters and that is all, three times in a row, even, core. They wanna get it right they oughtta have done it right the first time. They stuff around doing Aliens until such time they get around to doing the right Aliens. They even have the nerve to call themselves Hot. So is dung. Can you tell I'm strung out? Time to take a pill. :D
creecher said:
Quite true. Rather than focus on what Sideshow need to do, as the future is unwritten, focus on what they have done and done bloody well. And bloody well for a bloody good price. One third of the price of a Hot Toy and with killer sculpt, clothes, accessories and packaging. Hot toys drag out the re-hashes, at exhorbitant prices is why it is unnecessary and a kick in the face, Finally giving us a decent Robocop. Some of Hot Toys don't need a repaint is more accurate. They supply the core characters and that is all, three times in a row, even, core. They wanna get it right they oughtta have done it right the first time. They stuff around doing Aliens until such time they get around to doing the right Aliens. They even have the nerve to call themselves Hot. So is dung. Can you tell I'm strung out? Time to take a pill. :D

Ok, I'll grant that they did rehash Robocop. I'd wager one rehash against Taylors, Buffy's, Lorne's, Mulder's, Scully's........
And is Hot Toys costing more? Yes. But:
Packaging - Hot Toys
Sculpts - I'll be nice and call this one even [even though its Hot Toys again]
Clothes - Even
Accessories - Hot Toys [c'mon you can't say a broken pool cue or a paper flyer is a good accessory]
Cost - Well, $ide$how's is lower, but I don't know that you're getting "more" for your dollar.

As for "core" characters? Come on :rolleyes: Hot Toys gives core characters, $ide$how ignores characters.
Sideshow have a name, Hot Toys have just come in on the game. They are two totally different animals. You're arguing in the negative for the affirmative, and in the end, it is why people think you are bitter Ironman. It is easy to say Hot Toys rates over Sideshow, but the proof isn't so compelling. Sure Hot Toys has the gleem and the glamour going for it. Sideshow have done core characters. Max and the Chief, Hogans Heroes, Outer Limits, to name but a few. Which do you mean? Buffy? Seems to be well covered. They did Buffy, the core, and how long is a piece of string? Maybe we'll see when Hot Toys takes up the Buffy Line.
creecher said:
Sideshow have a name, Hot Toys have just come in on the game. They are two totally different animals. You're arguing in the negative for the affirmative, and in the end, it is why people think you are bitter Ironman. It is easy to say Hot Toys rates over Sideshow, but the proof isn't so compelling. Sure Hot Toys has the gleem and the glamour going for it. Sideshow have done core characters. Max and the Chief, Hogans Heroes, Outer Limits, to name but a few. Which do you mean? Buffy? Seems to be well covered. They did Buffy, the core, and how long is a piece of string? Maybe we'll see when Hot Toys takes up the Buffy Line.

So, one shouldn't compare a Kia to a Ford?
They are BOTH in the [or at least were] business of supplying 1:6 figures, amongst other items to collectors. As for "arguing in the negative for the affirmative" I guess that would be akin to clamoring for a Kurgan from a company that doesn't even have the license any longer.
Max and the Chief - Yes... 99 - NO
Hogan, Klink, Schultz - Yes... Newkirk, LeBeau, Carter, Kinch - NO
Outer Limits - well each episode the characters changed, but it seems your avatar still is missing
Buffy - Yes pretty well covered [thats ONE line] but a Cordelia should certainly have been a part of it and Giles took waaay too long to be delivered.

Granted Hot Toys has more than one RoboCop, who was in more than one movie. Rambo as well, but they did include Trautman. Rocky has FOUR core characters from thoughout the films, they seem to be hitting all the USC marines....
And the quantity and quality of the accessories, gear and weapons...You can't seriously think $ide$how is doing better in those departments?
I'm sure there have been, and will be, problems with Hot Toys accessories, but so far out of what I have of theirs the only problem I had was with 1 buckle that I broke myself. I have THREE Hellboys and not one has a belt in one piece. And they all arrived that way.