Re: Machete Kills! October 4th 2013!! NEW TRAILER!!
Here's the red band trailer embedded!
Here's the red band trailer embedded!
There comes a time when a woman is so F__ng annoying that not even her ****s help.
I seriously Cannot stand that stupid _______.
Im sorry but she is so trashy.
You better...
New poster featuring Carlos Estevez!!
WOW! Tone it down dude! You don't know her to call her a stupid anything! It's fine to express your opinion that way of characters she has played, but say those things about her herself - without at least giving her the chance at a rebuttal - is seriously not cool.
WOW! Tone it down dude! You don't know her to call her a stupid anything! It's fine to express your opinion that way of characters she has played, but say those things about her herself - without at least giving her the chance at a rebuttal - is seriously not cool.
you daughter, she fine as hell
Charlie Sheen should be the last remaining human being on this planet.