MAFEX Comic Book Line

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Does Mafex ever do reissues? Missed out on the Psylocke as I just found out about this line. :D Aftermarket prices are insane
I kinda wish they'd make full on McFarlane Spider-Man at some point, would look awesome! I think the last one to do so was the old ToyBiz super pose-able one back in the day (and maybe the ML SDCC Raft exclusive).
I also want a late 60s/early 70s version (think John Romita SR or Gil Kane).
Mafex Web-Man at SDCC

Aww hell both the Hush Bats stealth suit and Jean Grey released on the same day and my wallet took a huge hit from HLJ orders :slap
Got in Jean. Her blues match more Wolvie than Cyc. in person.
Glad to add her to the line up and still loving this comic line! Keep them coming MaFex!
(still gotta work on my "poser" skills, but was able to get this shot)

The Mafex figures make the Marvel Legends figures look cheap when they’re standing next to each other.
The Mafex figures make the Marvel Legends figures look cheap when they’re standing next to each other.
I agree somewhat. I mean ML have come a long way from Toybiz days so they are getting better and I thought they blend together ok. Specially figs like Colossus and Kurt and even the Prof.
But dang getting some of them to stand in just a neutral pose is sometimes a pain. My Storm's legs are sooo wonky that I have to lean that fig next to something all the time!

Anyway, more MaFex fun!!

Wow... Those Wolverine claws are as long as a sword...

I only have Symbiot Spider-Man on preorder and it is coming out this month, right ?