I think this Thor looks great. That head sculpt is killer to me. Screams classic Thor. Thor will be my 1st Marvel Mafex figure (I have the 1st ROTJ Vader as well) and most likely only comic figure. While I'd love to get into the line as I think several are amazing (classic Spidey, classic Iron Man, upcoming classic Cap, Hush Batman & Superman & the TDK Bats and Supes), I think they are just too expensive for 6" scale figures. For me anyway. Especially being all plastic. I collect ML and some MS for Marvel comic figures and way too much other stuff to ever dive heavily into this. Would only ever get a few. A Silver Surfer would be the only next must buy for a Mafex Marvel figure (I pretty much buy every Thor comic figure and Silver Surfer figure), and perhaps a classic Hulk depending on price.
Same goes for Mezco. Been waiting on a comic Thor for ages to be my 1st possible purchase. I'm fine with Thor hanging out by himself or just as a collective of Thor figures on a shelf somewhere.