MAFEX The Terminator

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Endosekeleton is out in Japan. From twitter:

Another twitter pic:


And our own kaiju-daddy's youtube review:

Looks awesome but looks extremely fragile!! Not a lot of range of movement either.

Kind of reminds of that stupid Keaton Batman I got suckered into buying from Mezco. Looks great, but you can't even touch it for fear of breakage.

Maybe I should track down an old Techno Punch Terminator from Kenner on ebay instead. That thing was awesome.
I prefer that old McFarlane headsculpt to be honest. Never did preorder this one on the basis of that Hot Toys 1/4 esque head. Not sure I'll get it. But let me watch that review anyhow
Yeah, I think it's a pass. I even see a broken part in the torso that kaiju daddy didn't seem to notice. There's suddenly a missing piston when he started doing the comparisons with other figures. It was there earlier in the review.

Breakages aside I think that headsculpt would just irritate me every time I saw it.
Yeah, I think it's a pass. I even see a broken part in the torso that kaiju daddy didn't seem to notice. There's suddenly a missing piston when he started doing the comparisons with other figures. It was there earlier in the review.
That's disappointing, I expected better engineering from Mafex. Hopefully these issues aren't widespread.

It's a nice-looking figure overall, details are sharper and cleaner than other Endos of similar size.
After a-dev mentioned it, I went back and rewatched, and now that missing piston is all I see.

I wonder if timing plays any role in the QC of expensive figures like these. They're mostly made in China, and we all know the factories shut down for Chinese New Year. That's basically the most important (only?) break of the year for the workers.

It's entirely possible that any figures that get produced in the last few weeks before the holiday are all essentially rush jobs with a lot less care put into the production. And Medicom probably can't afford to wait til after the break cause they're already months behind schedule.
That Endo is far too fragile for my liking. I still have my McFarlane one and that can take whatever I throw at it. It's taken several shelf dives and survived intact. That Mafex looks like it'd only take one and it would look like Threepio after the stormtroopers scored their only hit after it landed. Just not worth the risk, particularly if you can only get one.
I prefer that old McFarlane headsculpt to be honest. Never did preorder this one on the basis of that Hot Toys 1/4 esque head. Not sure I'll get it. But let me watch that review anyhow

Which is also EXACTLY why I won't order it.
I know my nick, kinda should every Endo there is to pull it off competently, but HT, Hatchet and now Mafex all use the wrong sculpt.
Just no.
My hope lies with Present, or PT.
So it' s mostly the shape of the eye sockets? They've narrowed them and given them a sinister look?

It my mind, the evil look is "right" to me without looking at the movie or a prop, just cause they're such terrifying things. Especially in that opening sequence to the movie.
So it' s mostly the shape of the eye sockets? They've narrowed them and given them a sinister look?

It my mind, the evil look is "right" to me without looking at the movie or a prop, just cause they're such terrifying things. Especially in that opening sequence to the movie.

The frightening thing is actually that they are "just" steel skeletons.
The new, sinister, sculpts negate that and just make them look evil.
Big nono.

And not only that:
teeth are wrong, overall headshape to elongated.
Not starting to analyze more, but the head is just wrong.
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I actually have a high tolerance for inaccuracy with the endoskeleton, I don't really look that deeply into details and probably couldn't point to the inaccuracies that, say, P. could if he were still here - but in a general way I can say what I definitely don't want to see with the Endoskull and that is what EndoSickness mentioned - the exaggerated ''evil'' eyes, particularly to do with the eye socket shape as popularized by Hot Toys with the 1/4. And yes the teeth look weird and overbitey and the head overall looks too small and narrow.

The rest of it is within acceptable parameters for me but the endoskull frankly sucks.
Just came across this custom/mod on twitter....apparently the guy decided he needed a black t-shirt, like we discussed here. I don't know how he did it, but my guess would be stretching a gluing a thin piece of fabric rather than a whole shirt on the torso. Looks good, though.

Just came across this custom/mod on twitter....apparently the guy decided he needed a black t-shirt, like we discussed here. I don't know how he did it, but my guess would be stretching a gluing a thin piece of fabric rather than a whole shirt on the torso. Looks good, though.

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More likely made the vest (which is a very simple cutting pattern), or took one from an existing figure.