Maglor’s Menagerie

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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

Thanks. :)

Dean came on a Standard (wide shoulder) TT originally, but the member I bought him from sold it w/o the body. I put him on a narrow shoulder, and there is no way I would want him on a standard.

I like your idea of a JD in New York. Personally I love Rebel Without a Cause, and I'd like to keep my collection 'movie themed'.

One thing I would like to look into is replacing JD's t-shirt. It looks a bit like a turtleneck, and the seams on the shoulders are so bulky that it makes his shoulders look weird (even on a narrow TT).
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

Completed my Die-cast Batman Returns set:


I also got the Batman/Batmobile 2-pack, but since they are doubles of the individually packed versions, I opened them up:

Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

I also received a Henry Wayne Returns Batman last week:


He's in the process of being moded and repainted, so this is just a preview.
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

I also received a Henry Wayne Returns Batman last week:


He's in the process of being moded and repainted, so this is just a preview.

Holy crap, Mag...that Batman looks awesome! :horror Where did you get it? What mods are you doing and who's repainting?
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

WoW man, grats on that Batman Returns. I was really curious on the quality of that thing cause the ones that were posted on the DC thread were blurry. Now that I see the clear picture, that is sweet man.
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

Holy crap, Mag...that Batman looks awesome! :horror Where did you get it?

That Batman is AWESOME!

WoW man, grats on that Batman Returns. I was really curious on the quality of that thing cause the ones that were posted on the DC thread were blurry. Now that I see the clear picture, that is sweet man.

Major Congrats Mag on the New Scores and the Batman looks Great

Thanks guys. :)

It's this figure:

And I bought it from this member:

What mods are you doing and who's repainting?

So far I modified the crotch, which basically involved destroying the under-suit, which is always covered by the outer "shorts". The outer shorts are very ridged and the under-suit forced them down so far that the legs were always scissored tightly closed. I cut up the under-suit crotch and forced the shorts up higher. Now a more natural stance is possible, but a crotch stand is required to keep the legs from creeping back together. When I jammed the shorts up, the chest/ab armor fit differently than intended. I have it tucked into the pants, which isn't really noticeable with the right belt placement. I also had to reposition the velcro that hold the suit together.

Also, right now that head/cowl is just perched on the shoulders. The neck is not attached to the body at the moment. Because the cowl is removable, the head used is quite small, along with the neck being too short. This caused all kinds of problems with the cowl. It looks more natural the way I have it now, but I want the neck to be fixed in place, so I have to find a way to add permanent length to it. Also, when I took the cowl off I messed up the paint pretty bad. Apparently it wasn't sealed. So I need to take the cowl off again and fix up the paint. I have already spent so much on this that I feel I need to try and paint it myself rather than pay a painter. :(

The chest logo needs some fixing up as well. The yellow was chipped of in one spot when I got it, and a lot of the black came off with taking the cowl off and putting it back on. It's a very tight fit.

The knee pads were placed too high, so they need to be glued back in place lower. Especially since I raised the shorts.

Finally, the forearms are ridiculously long, so I want to shorten the gloves, which will hopefully make it possible to jam them further down on the forearm stumps.

Once all this is done I think I'll like the figure more. It really has the potential to be the best 1/6 Returns Batman.

Here he is stripped down:

Last edited:
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

The head being too small was my only issue. I was also tempted to IM that guy you bought it from but his pics were not great and I was trying to see if the head was small for the cowl. The way you have it displayed looks good though cause you cant tell.

Are these available elsewhere?
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

No worries Ski. It just seems that way on the Henry Wayne site that he linked, and on the original owners pics.

But like I said, It doesnt look that way at all on Mags pics.
It look great!
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

Yikes Mag, that is a long list! What you have shown looks great, but I'm not sure I want to buy my way into all that work :( I hope you're happy with yours in the end though!
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

The head being too small was my only issue. I was also tempted to IM that guy you bought it from but his pics were not great and I was trying to see if the head was small for the cowl. The way you have it displayed looks good though cause you cant tell.

Thanks man.

The size of the head is causing most of my issues, but ascetically it's not very noticeable. And once I get the bugs worked out, the head size wont bother me.

Are these available elsewhere?

Dunno. For a while I was checking eBay to price check, but I never saw one. Only saw the SS ones.

Sorry Remy, I will disagree.



Yikes Mag, that is a long list! What you have shown looks great, but I'm not sure I want to buy my way into all that work :( I hope you're happy with yours in the end though!

Well, you wouldn't have to do all that work unless your OCD like me. :cuckoo:
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie (Updated on page 67)

Congrats on the update, batman looks great !