Maglor’s Menagerie

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Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Ooops. I thought I posted that in the main Batman89 thread and figured it was deleted. :lol

Sorry mags. :D
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Fantastic pics Mag...I wouldn't have come in here, as your pics make the wait indescribably harder, but supposedly I should have mine soon, so :yess:
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Sweet pose and shots mate. :duff


Impressive shots Mag!

My fav set is in post 1409 :clap

Thanks KD. It's funny, "Part 3" was all about the flight pose pics and post #1409 was just for dumping in pics that had already been posted in the Official thread. :lol

Trying to work on my presentation. Do you think that post stood out to you because it has a variety of poses/displays and is therefore more visually interesting, as opposed to the posts before it which are all the same pose?

When I do photo-shoots, I have one pose that I worked with for a while and just shoot that one pose in a bunch of different ways. And then weeks later I might do another shoot with a different pose. I might have to hold back on posting pics when I get figures so I can get more of a backlog of good pics from different poses/photo-shoots, and then mix them together more.

Though, I don't know if I have that kind of self control...

Very cool pics ;)

Thanks DC. ;)

spectacular photos of spectacular poses

the last one in 1409 with the cape open but down is bad ass

who am I kidding, all bad ass

base looks great w/o the pole

I had high hopes for that pose originally. I was going to have him be stepping up (or down) with his cape half spread like that. Sadly, the legs wont hold a pose like that. So I just snapped a quick pic with him standing like that.

impressive !!!!!!

thanks !!!!!!

I love mag's pics but he is starting to rival guyver as SSF pic spammer. :lol

Ooops. I thought I posted that in the main Batman89 thread and figured it was deleted. :lol

Sorry mags. :D

It was only one post in the '89 thread. I intentionally avoided going over that and then gave a link to this thread.

For this set of flight pics, I too 146 pictures. It was very hard to get it down to 25 even for my thread. It took several days of sifting.

Fantastic pics Mag...I wouldn't have come in here, as your pics make the wait indescribably harder, but supposedly I should have mine soon, so :yess:

Thanks man, I hope to see him in your collection soon. :1-1:
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

I prefer the natural light photos over the processed ones, some of those are too dark to appreciate the detail.

Minor minor picky stuff mind you :lol
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Trying to work on my presentation. Do you think that post stood out to you because it has a variety of poses/displays and is therefore more visually interesting, as opposed to the posts before it which are all the same pose?

Yes .
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

I prefer the natural light photos over the processed ones, some of those are too dark to appreciate the detail.

Minor minor picky stuff mind you :lol

Sorry if I gave the impression that I do a lot of "processing" to my pics.

For example this has not been enhanced in any way:


This is really the only one that looks significantly different than what I took:


Yes, I did darken that one quite a bit.

Many of them were made more blue.

And most of my Batman pics are very bright. I seem to be the only one that does that (see my sig). Frankly that's not accurate though, as Batman is almost always in shadow, so I'm trying to broaden out a bit.

This is one of the darkest ones I posted, do you really think there is not enough detail visible?


The only other one where the blacks are a bit "crushed" is this one (BTW, that's because the lighting is from behind, not because of processing):


But even here you can see the hint of his body armor. :dunno
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Mags' collection may look snazy and clean on the boards, but in reality....

Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Mags' collection may look snazy and clean on the boards, but in reality....


Man, how does someone get to that point.

Seriously, that's actually a really depressing video.

Very cool project ;)


Okay... thanks. :dunno :lol


on the board

in combination with: high quality pics = priceless showcasing for these figures

High praise. I appreciate it. :)
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Man, how does someone get to that point.

Seriously, that's actually a really depressing video.

Agree, his job is to review toys but still, that's pretty bad. If you watch his part 4 video he clears it up a bit. He doesn't seem happy and he knows it's a problem. You'd think he would donate most to charity after reviewing it.
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

Agree, his job is to review toys but still, that's pretty bad. If you watch his part 4 video he clears it up a bit. He doesn't seem happy and he knows it's a problem. You'd think he would donate most to charity after reviewing it.

So you would think he has the time and motivation to display them.

And yes, get rid of what you don't love after you've reviewed them... Then again hoarders never get rid of anything.
Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

So you would think he has the time and motivation to display them.

And yes, get rid of what you don't love after you've reviewed them... Then again hoarders never get rid of anything.

:yess: NEVER sell, NEVER surrender!!!



Re: Maglor’s Menagerie & Figure Photography

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Guess what song I'm gonna have in my head all day now?! :gah: