Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

Re: The Man of Steel

I don´t know about 2 things, although tends absolutely to the negative.

1.: This rubbery-TDK-ish style leading to the new Reboot Supes, alright, but not with this belt-imitating rubber stuff on his (alright, 1 negative. :lol )

2.: The "S" doesn´t look good, 3/4 original but the beginning merged with the outer form?!?!? Why, just for the sake of being different?!

2 negatives it is then and maybe I said things others said before, not that much time atm to check all pages, but I don´t like the style. Looked forward to that, but majorly bummed now.
Re: The Man of Steel

I really like it a lot!!!
But i care more about the story, the acting, and the action. I could care less what the suit looks like as long as he resembles a Superman. Which he does. He looks like a Superman. Blue, red, yellow, and the red Cape. Suits have changed throughout history of this character. The story and acting IS more important.

Exactly how I feel - and i love the look actually.
Re: The Man of Steel

Suit looks ____ing awesome.

It really does! The biggest failures from the previous movies have been addressed in this movie. Superman LOOKS strong, logo looks perfect and overall costume looks better... menacing. Red trunks over pants? _____ please! You can't take someone serious like that, that is why DC is scratching that look completely.
Re: The Man of Steel

The lack of redtrunks infuriates me.

Not having the red trunks looks ridiculous. I am not looking forward to this remake as I don't see myself getting into the film no matter how hard the Tudor's British actor fakes an American accent. The thought of Superman saying the words rubbish... Outsourcing an American icon when there were plenty of American choices. Oh well, enough ranting.. I'm glad some of you like the strange new muscle outfit.
Re: The Man of Steel


The colour is even duller than the Returns costumes :(

His physique looks spot on, but this looks too rubbery/fake his physique should speak for itself not be enhanced by rubber :lecture

I think Adam west said it best: "I never needed plastic molding to improve my physique.
[taps chest] Pure West
Re: The Man of Steel

Whats up with the right side of the S shield having an extra line like somewhere cant draw straight and said the hell with it the asthetics
Re: The Man of Steel

I still don't love the new suit, but I'm getting used to it. Get rid of those weird decorative bits and add a gold belt, and I probably wouldn't even care about the missing trunks and basketball texture.
Re: The Man of Steel

Hollywood seems to be on a kick of changing fabric costumes into rubber costumes.

Next just for the hell of it they'll make Hulk wear Lycra pants and Fantastic Four in armoured costumes