Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Re: The Man of Steel

Some of the greatest works of literature in history have religious/spiritual themes and/or symbolism, and readers throughout the centuries have been mature enough to read and consider them regardless of their own personal creeds, convictions or lack thereof.

I think there is a certain amount of that stuff inherent in the Superman myth--it didn't bother me in Superman Returns and it won't bother me in Man of Steel, if it's there. I don't think this is a case of somebody reading themes into the story that haven't been placed there by the filmmakers. If they want to make Superman a savior/Christ figure, it won't be the first time or the last. I don't mind, just as long as he also takes a minute here and there to fly around shooting laser beams out of his eyes.


Re: The Man of Steel

Its a discussion thread. Pontification is action. You're welcome.

Guess we could always go back to discussing Raiders of the Lost Ark posters and waiting for people to chime in with "Cant wait 2 see dis!!11!11""


You took my post more seriously than I intended it to be taken.
Re: The Man of Steel

This movie from the sounds of it will be a great different take. But i already know for me it will in no way top what CR has done for the character.. It was a once in a lifetime thing. What i am looking forward to is action action action. Yes, i want some supes character development. But what we really need out of a Superman movie is over the top/awesome/jaw dropping action. (and it looks like we'll get it) And i think fans like me of the 70's 80's version shouldn't get hung up on comparing this to those. It won't top the magic of those, it just won't. What it can do is give us the Superman action we've all had in our imagination for a long time (and again it looks like it will) while giving us a new take on the character that is much needed.

Like i said when ASM came out.. This is how you reboot a franchise, and i expect to say it again here. (this is just much more needed)
Re: The Man of Steel

Only problem was, S-M did not really need a reboot, but everyone had to sit through that whole origin thing all over again anyways.

At least substantial time has passed since the last time we saw Superman's origin. I will say one thing about Superman Returns, in my opinion it was a flawed film - but they didn't make us sit through that whole origin all over again in excruciating detail.

We've all seen this dwelt on way too much - bring the action please. Which this film looks like it is going to do. Yay.
Re: The Man of Steel

Superman really isn't a Christ figure. He never has been even from the beginning. If you are looking for a biblical parallel, it would be Moses. Their stories are far more similar than the comparison to Christ.

But who cares, can't wait to see this!!!!
Re: The Man of Steel

Ya moses is the better analogy. I believe the Christ comparison occurs because jor:el sent his only son to earth with the intention that his son would be the "savior", protector and symbol of hope for the people. Also like Christ, superman is the light and was sent to lead the people out of darkness. Moreover, Superman is selfless and would gladly sacrifice his life for the good of man kind just like Christ did.

Also Superman's reservations against using violence and strong moral code could be viewed as similar, however the connection is lost when superman uses any force/violence at all
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Re: The Man of Steel

Ya moses is the better analogy. I believe the Christ comparison occurs because jor:el sent his only son to earth with the intention that his son would be the "savior", protector and symbol of hope for the people. Also like Christ, superman is the light and was sent to lead the people out of darkness. Moreover, Superman is selfless and would gladly sacrifice his life for the good of man kind just like Christ did.

But central to the Christ story is the notion of sacrifice. Jor-El never intended Kal to be a sacrifice. He was always meant as a leader. Superman didn't sacrifice himself until Doomsday came along in the 90's. Superman has never been big on sacrifice. He's all about showing us a better way to be human. He inspires hope where the Batman uses fear to create order.
Re: The Man of Steel

But central to the Christ story is the notion of sacrifice. Jor-El never intended Kal to be a sacrifice. He was always meant as a leader. Superman didn't sacrifice himself until Doomsday came along in the 90's. Superman has never been big on sacrifice. He's all about showing us a better way to be human. He inspires hope where the Batman uses fear to create order.

Yup, that's why moses is the better analogy. I was simply stating why people make the Christ connection. Jor'el didn't send him to earth to die on a cross, but he did send him for a similar purpose. He also knew his son would not have a normal life and would sufer because of it.

Superman does sacrifice. Take the donor/singer version. Superman sacrifices the one thing he wants most, a normal family with Lois where he doesn't have the burden of saving the world. Jor'el expects his son to give up a normal life to be the protector of the people. He would not let him have a relationship with Lois without giving up his powers. In the RD cut of Superman 2, jor'el even reprimands Kal making that choice. The whole peeping and crying scene in superman returns highlights his sacrifice.
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Re: The Man of Steel

Kinda strange how he grabbed Zod and carelessly flew through buildings and a 7/11 gas station. Surely someone was trying to get gas and got blowed the hell up...

Stuff like that happens in movies all the time though. I haven't seen the movie and have remained relatively spoiler free about the movie so I am not sure how it plays out but it sounds like it is being overanalyzed.

Batman flips cop cars,drives over them crushing them, and shoots random vehicles out of the way to make space for himself.

The Avengers had a major battle in downtown New York, smashing buildings and destroying Leviathans that fell right into the streets.

Transformers have full out brawls on busy highways and crowded cities.

The bottom line is, things look cool blowing up. I don't think film makers feel the need to somehow explain that no one was in that restaurant, or vehicle etc. I think we are just supposed to assume, no one was hurt.
Re: The Man of Steel

If this movie turns out not to be as epic as I wanted it to be, at least I know that Star Trek was satisfying and I can now also look forward to movies like Elysium and Hobbit DOS, among a few others.
Re: The Man of Steel

Stuff like that happens in movies all the time though. I haven't seen the movie and have remained relatively spoiler free about the movie so I am not sure how it plays out but it sounds like it is being overanalyzed.

Batman flips cop cars,drives over them crushing them, and shoots random vehicles out of the way to make space for himself.

The Avengers had a major battle in downtown New York, smashing buildings and destroying Leviathans that fell right into the streets.

Transformers have full out brawls on busy highways and crowded cities.

The bottom line is, things look cool blowing up. I don't think film makers feel the need to somehow explain that no one was in that restaurant, or vehicle etc. I think we are just supposed to assume, no one was hurt.

:clap:lecture Thank you. i hate how people only point this stuff out some of the time. In STID the Vengeance crash lands in San Francisco which would have killed thousands, and wounded millions. How many people should be dead in Iron Man 2 when Vanko takes control of all the bots, and then blows them all up?
Re: The Man of Steel

I don't get it? :dunno

And I don't think thats the correct order:

Man Of Steel Soundtrack Details:
The music is composed by Hans Zimmer
Audio CD (June 11, 2013)
Number of Discs: 2
Format: Soundtrack
Label: Watertower Music

Man Of Steel Soundtrack list (Score):
1. Look To The Stars
2. Oil Rig
3. Sent Here For A Reason
4. DNA
5. Goodbye My Son
6. If You Love These People
7. Krypton’s Last
8. Terraforming
9. Tornado
10. You Die Or I Do
11. Launch
12. Ignition
13. I Will Find Him
14. This Is Clark Kent
15. I Have So Many Questions
16. Flight
17. What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World?
18. Man Of Steel (Hans’ Original Sketchbook)

Additional tracks on Deluxe Edition:

Are You Listening, Clark?
General Zod
You Led Us Here
This Is Madness
Re: The Man of Steel

How can you not get it? I know it's not the correct order, but that's not the point.

I'm one of those people who see's the yellow part of the Batman logo rather than the black part..:lol
Tell me..

By the way I just noticed the high quality pre-release track "Sent For a Reason" is completely different on the soundtrack.
The pre version is a proper "theme" version that was used in the trailer. It's a great listen though, got it earlier.