Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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Not wanting to derail the thread but you are now my new best friend. :lol I've had this discussion/rant with people countless times. I know how pathetic people think it is for caring so much but it drives me mad. :lol

Now back to the topic at hand...

I could care less, but I don't. :D

I wonder what Landis would have thought about this if it had happened. He'd be fine with it, right?


That's Celtic's Superman right there. He would save a cat for him!
I wonder what Landis would have thought about this if it had happened. He'd be fine with it, right?


That picture just makes me want to punch things repeatedly. Nicholas Cage is an idiot, 'nuff said. He looks about as right in that costume as MY GRANDMOTHER would have, not to mention my grandmother had a better 'do.

I am also amused that people are all "ZOMG!!! NO!!" about MoS, but Mandarin is ok.... when the Mandarin was the straight-up, stupidest, biggest rip-off, biggest LET-DOWN that I can remember in comics-based cinema other than Topher Grace's "Venom Lite" - who may well take first place! [Yes, over Mr Freeze. Freeze was Shakespearian compared to that.] Its a tough call, which I will leave to wiser minds than mine to decide.

At least MoS has villains you can respect! Who out there respected the Mandarin or was awed by him, or even really found him interesting. I have seen cardboard standees/cutouts in the lobbies of movie theatres that had more character than him. Not one, but TWO good potential villans were cheated by this film. Tell me about how bad MoS is, when the "main villain" in an Iron Man film's first line is about how he just left the restroom and it would be best for others to avoid it for a while.... Really?!! We have very different definitions of "bad."

/endrant btw, welcome to the boards, Lukelens.
So, I've been reading this thread for days and days since the movie came out. It's been awesome. Specifically, IrishJedi's posts have given me a lot of justification in what I had assumed when I watched the film.

Never posted before, but wanted to just throw my support in there as well. HUUUGGGGEEE Superman fan. Been a massive Superman fan for 20 years since I started reading the comic books when I was 10. Grew up in a conservative Christian household and mom and dad didn't trust most other comics except for Superman cause they knew him and knew he was "good". That alone made an impact on me and he became my favorite and I started reading all the Superman I could. I've been through every era of the comics, I've loved them all and have a very very deep connection with the character...

...and MAN OF STEEL was the best Superman movie I have ever seen. It was almost perfect. I got to see it a week early in Chicago, and I left the theater on a massive high. It was funny that the things people are complaining about didn't even register to me. The first things I said when I started reading those complaints were that they clearly weren't getting the "trial-by-fire" attempt that was being made by Snyder and Goyer here. It's the only way to truly introduce Superman to a new generation. You have to show him making some mistakes so that when he DOES become the Superman we know and love, it has some damn WEIGHT to it. You can't just put Superman out there and tell everyone he's a big blue boy scout "just because he is". You have to SHOW IT. You have to give it meaning. This film (and hopefully the sequels as well) did that.

The only issue I really had with the film is the final ending scene, and it's because I think it's the main source of confusion. I think if Snyder had shown some fallout from the previous scenes it would have made a massive difference for people. But because it goes from "Cry of shame" to "Smiles and first day on the job" it threw people off. I had assumed what IrishJedi said about them wanting to make sure the film ended on a happy beat, and that makes sense, but some kind of coda that would have allowed people to know that there was meaning in the previous stuff would have probably made a massive difference with some of the critics of the film.

Anyway, been stalking here for quite awhile and wanted to speak up and throw my support out there for the movie. I've seen it 3 times thus far and am currently reading the novelization (which really massively lays out a ton of characterization that the film doesn't!) And also wanted to give a MASSIVE, HUMONGOUS THANKS to IrishJedi for divulging the information he has and being so incredible here.

Beautifully said and I agree 100% Thanks for putting it out there!

And :welcome1: to the Freak show!
Nicely put Luke. If I'm a "fanboy" cause I liked the movie then so be it. My favorite superman and movie of the summer.
Routh was a perfect Superman, miles ahead of Cavill, but I understand why they needed a new face for MOS.

Routh was just Reeve lite. And not to mention they were playing Clark at very different parts of his life. Routh was playing a Superman who had been at it for years.

Cavil's has had the costume 2 days at most. He's rough as he should be. Not entirely sure of his power set. And by far very human and relatable. Which is something Routh's lacked.
Cavil's has had the costume 2 days at most. He's rough as he should be. Not entirely sure of his power set. And by far very human and relatable. Which is something Routh's lacked.

Which should of made the ending even more emotional, but it isn't. You discover you have all this power, and you use that power to kill someone just as strong who was the last living link to your past and it doesn't effect you? He screams---- and he's ok. Goyer could of given us something more emotional than that!


Hell no!! The Mandarin thing was just plain stupidity from the writers... In this case, you can see how it's a big ISSUE for Supes... he is really troubled by what he had to do... but he knew deep down it was bigger than him as Pa Kent said...

Expecting him killing Zod to be a pay-off is messed up... the pay-off in the movie is him becoming a hero... not killing a lunatic...


Even when you try and post thought out reasons for something, people still go ape**** and whine about it. This forum is great. :dance

Anyway, go to to hell with your Luthor pics.

Two. No. It's you being a fan and not accepting a different vision. Same with this Superman. If The Mandarin wasn't a comic character, you wouldn't have a problem. If Superman wasn't a comic character, the people who are hardcore fans wouldn't have a problem. So ergo, visa ain't right.

And no it's not, if the movie sets him up for it. You aren't ROOTING for him to kill ZOD. You are ROOTING for him to find another way. But when there IS NO other way, you completely understand why he did what he did.

People shouldn't be ****ing clapping at a scene like that. They should be shocked, saddened, and kind of disturbed at that. But we understand why, because Superman either explained his reasoning, or could've killed someone earlier.

I'm giving you food for thought in a respectable manner. This **** shouldn't make you angry. The lack of respect here in general is just asinine. :lol
Even when you try and post thought out reasons for something, people still go ape**** and whine about it. This forum is great. :dance

Anyway, go to to hell with your Luthor pics.

Two. No. It's you being a fan and not accepting a different vision. Same with this Superman. If The Mandarin wasn't a comic character, you wouldn't have a problem. If Superman wasn't a comic character, the people who are hardcore fans wouldn't have a problem. So ergo, visa ain't right.

And no it's not, if the movie sets him up for it. You aren't ROOTING for him to kill ZOD. You are ROOTING for him to find another way. But when there IS NO other way, you completely understand why he did what he did.

People shouldn't be ****ing clapping at a scene like that. They should be shocked, saddened, and kind of disturbed at that. But we understand why, because Superman either explained his reasoning, or could've killed someone earlier.

I'm giving you food for thought in a respectable manner. This **** shouldn't make you angry. The lack of respect here in general is just asinine. :lol

**** you Celtic. :rotfl