Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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I think he just called us *** holes! Nine *** holes! wtf...rude.

How Wude

Which should of made the ending even more emotional, but it isn't. You discover you have all this power, and you use that power to kill someone just as strong who was the last living link to your past and it doesn't effect you? He screams---- and he's ok. Goyer could of given us something more emotional than that!

Him killing Zod was plenty emotional for him as well as the audience. He didn't kill Zod and then flex for the camera. He is shattered by what he did, as well as what it means. The scene fades to black as he's on his knees hugging, crying to Lois. We are not told how much time has passed, but we can assume some has. Could they have shown him talking about all that has happened to Ma? Yes, but I am not begrudging that. I think it is a good place to start the sequel. He killed Zod, that has ramifications he will need to deal with. Let that effect his future choices. Hell you can even have the big moment in JL of WW wanting to execute whoever your villain is(unless it's Darkseid) and Kal stops her. Saying that is not how they are going to do things.
Speaking of the neck break. Supes could have just flown upwards with Zod and the laser eyes would have missed those people completely.

We just saw them lifting, shoving, pushing and throwing each other for 15 minutes, Superman couldn't lift his *** up? He can fly him up towards the ceiling, strong holding him, then break his ankles so he can't fly. Then, find some steel int the debris and wrap it around Zod's eyes. Or better yet, what happens if Superman covered Zod's eyes?

Another thing I don't get. Other than being genetically encrypted in your DNA, why would you want to change the land to your old home world and make yourself weaker? If I were Zod, I'd dig my powers and rule the earth as it is. All the tech and crap I want is back in the fortress of solitude, even the baby maker machine.

I mean he can fly and shoot freakin' laser beams from his freakin' eye. Even Faora seemed to be enjoying it. Why change the land to that boring planet with weird flying space creatures and unnatural births with weird council *******s) when you can fly around without a mount instead?

That's what was great about Zod, Ursa and Non in the original. You could tell they were enjoying their powers and mocked how weak humans were. They were anti-Supermen. I love Zod's attitude and him looking for Earth's highest ranking official or the glee on his face when a soldier shoots at him to no avail and he takes their gun, mows down troops.

Supes breaking Zod's neck isn't as powerful as Supes kneeling and crushing Zod's hand in my opinion. Neither is the bar scene with the trucker.
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I've seen that scene on YouTube. The audience cheered. As well as countless others have stated this. Something isn't right here. That isn't a "**** YAH SUPERMAN!" moment. It's very strange.
Speaking of the neck break. Supes could have just flown upwards with Zod and the laser eyes would have missed those people completely.

We just saw them lifting, shoving, pushing and throwing each other for 15 minutes, Superman couldn't lift his *** up? He can fly him up towards the ceiling, strong holding him, then break his ankles so he can't fly. Then, find some steel int the debris and wrap it around Zod's eyes. Or better yet, what happens if Superman covered Zod's eyes?

Another thing I don't get. Other than being genetically encrypted, why would you want to change the land to your old home world and make yourself weaker? If I were Zod, I'd dig my powers and rule the earth as it is. All the tech and crap I want is back in the fortress of solitude, even the baby maker machine.

I mean he can fly and shoot freakin' laser beams from his freakin' eye. Even Faora seemed to be enjoying it. Why change the land to that boring planet with weird flying space creatures and unnatural births with weird council *******s) when you can fly around without a mount instead?

They still have the rays of the yellow sun, no? So they would still have their powers.

It was my understanding that Faora and Co were able to do the stuff they did because Earth's gravity is weaker than Krypton. So they had stronger muscles. They weren't benefitting from the suns rays because they had their protective suits. If you'll notice all they did was jump around and throw stuff. No flying, no laser beams or X-ray vision. Only Zod got that because his mask broke and he was exposed to the radiation.
Another thing I don't get. Other than being genetically encrypted in your DNA, why would you want to change the land to your old home world and make yourself weaker? If I were Zod, I'd dig my powers and rule the earth as it is. All the tech and crap I want is back in the fortress of solitude, even the baby maker machine.

I mean he can fly and shoot freakin' laser beams from his freakin' eye. Even Faora seemed to be enjoying it. Why change the land to that boring planet with weird flying space creatures and unnatural births with weird council *******s) when you can fly around without a mount instead?

That's what was great about Zod, Ursa and Non in the original. You could tell they were enjoying their powers and mocked how weak humans were. They were anti-Supermen. I love Zod's attitude and him looking for Earth's highest ranking official or the glee on his face when a soldier shoots at him to no avail and he takes their gun, mows down troops in glee.

I thought the same thing but the movie kept hitting me over the head that his genetic code was for Krypton to exist, nothing else mattered.

Being a god did not compute for him.

So your "Other than" is kind of important. :lol
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The genetic codex stuff is crap.

It was alright until the twist where we discover it's in Superman's blood stream, complete with future video game diagrams of blood cells turning into silver steel *****.

The future Kryptonian tech was just lolzy. I love magical tech CGI where they go overboard with what everything can do. Flying ****, blue laser streams, smart ghosts, etc. basically stuff for the ADD crowd. People criticize Tony Stark and Thor and all their mindless tech (like Extremis, oh noes!) but all the crazy **** we see on Krypton is just fine.
Speaking of the neck break. Supes could have just flown upwards with Zod and the laser eyes would have missed those people completely.

We just saw them lifting, shoving, pushing and throwing each other for 15 minutes, Superman couldn't lift his *** up? He can fly him up towards the ceiling, strong holding him, then break his ankles so he can't fly. Then, find some steel int the debris and wrap it around Zod's eyes. Or better yet, what happens if Superman covered Zod's eyes?

Another thing I don't get. Other than being genetically encrypted in your DNA, why would you want to change the land to your old home world and make yourself weaker? If I were Zod, I'd dig my powers and rule the earth as it is. All the tech and crap I want is back in the fortress of solitude, even the baby maker machine.

I mean he can fly and shoot freakin' laser beams from his freakin' eye. Even Faora seemed to be enjoying it. Why change the land to that boring planet with weird flying space creatures and unnatural births with weird council *******s) when you can fly around without a mount instead?

That's what was great about Zod, Ursa and Non in the original. You could tell they were enjoying their powers and mocked how weak humans were. They were anti-Supermen. I love Zod's attitude and him looking for Earth's highest ranking official or the glee on his face when a soldier shoots at him to no avail and he takes their gun, mows down troops in glee.

Supes breaking Zod's neck isn't as powerful as Supes kneeling and crushing Zod's hand in my opinion. Neither is the bar scene with the trucker.

Heat vision was shown to hurt Faora and Namek in their armor. What would it do to Kal's bare flesh. And as for your wrapping steel around his head: Kal just used his to blast a girder that Zod swung at him. He cut through it like butter, so that's out. He had to stop Zod, because Zod wasn't going to quit. Hell, Zod had at that point decided he was just going to hurt people to hurt Kal. Zod explained the stakes. "There is only one way this ends Kal. Either you die, or I do."

Zod in this version doesn't want to be a god. He wants his society and his people back. He explains that pretty clearly. He's not interested in ruling earth. He is not the mustache twirling Snidely Whiplash that Stamp portrayed. This version had a little more depth. A purpose to his actions. He was bred to protect Krypton.

I get that you guys love Donner, but this is sad. That movie hasn't gone anywhere. You can watch it and love it, just like I watch the Burton Bat films. And he killed Zod in that film too! Unless a human Zod could survive the fall into the cavern, and then survive the sub freezing temps of the Artic, while wearing his shirt half open.
The genetic codex stuff is crap.

It was alright until the twist where we discover it's in Superman's blood stream, complete with future video game diagrams of blood cells turning into silver steel *****.

The future Kryptonian tech was just lolzy. I love magical tech CGI where they go overboard with what everything can do. Flying ****, blue laser streams, smart ghosts, etc. basically stuff for the ADD crowd. People criticize Tony Stark and Thor and all their mindless tech (like Extremis, oh noes!) but all the crazy **** we see on Krypton is just fine.

Krypton's Nam-ek was just him:

MOS tried to show that Superman was not a bully by having him mess with the truck instead of the driver.

I still like S2 truck driver scene 100x more though. :lol
I don't know....he ruined that guy's career, and he'll never get another job in the trucking business. He probably failed high school too, or dropped out. So he's not going to get a respectable job.

He probably ended working at Taco Bell in the down town region of Metropolis.

And then Superman flew through the building and murdered him.

What a ****ty existence,
I don't know....he ruined that guy's career, and he'll never get another job in the trucking business. He probably failed high school too, or dropped out. So he's not going to get a respectable job.

He probably ended working at Taco Bell in the down town region of Metropolis.

And then Superman flew through the building and murdered him.

What a ****ty existence,

Good point. :rotfl

But S2 seat spinning pinball breaking still better. :lecture
Heat vision was shown to hurt Faora and Namek in their armor. What would it do to Kal's bare flesh. And as for your wrapping steel around his head: Kal just used his to blast a girder that Zod swung at him. He cut through it like butter, so that's out. He had to stop Zod, because Zod wasn't going to quit. Hell, Zod had at that point decided he was just going to hurt people to hurt Kal. Zod explained the stakes. "There is only one way this ends Kal. Either you die, or I do."

Zod in this version doesn't want to be a god. He wants his society and his people back. He explains that pretty clearly. He's not interested in ruling earth. He is not the mustache twirling Snidely Whiplash that Stamp portrayed. This version had a little more depth. A purpose to his actions. He was bred to protect Krypton.

I get that you guys love Donner, but this is sad. That movie hasn't gone anywhere. You can watch it and love it, just like I watch the Burton Bat films. And he killed Zod in that film too! Unless a human Zod could survive the fall into the cavern, and then survive the sub freezing temps of the Artic, while wearing his shirt half open.

Yeah well I clearly stated "besides the genetically altered" crap in my post.

I hated that plot point, especially when everyone else are pretty much mindless drones except Zod and Jor-El who are the only ones who take action.

That and the Matrix babies and the technology seemed like loud, obnoxious noise. Give me more Kansas, give me more Ma and Pa Kent, give me more American values, or even delving more into the choice Jor-El and Laura of sending off little Kal-El. Not terraforming and birthing. Someone like Superman is fantastic and exciting enough. I want to see the world reacting to him, not being scared out of their minds because of giant, robot fleas sucking them up and pushing gravity on them.

Krypton's weird, sci-fi stuff doesn't resonate with me like the human condition does. The premise of this more "realistic" Superman was to make us think, feel what it would be like to be Superman in our world right? Him learning to fly does that, not big super super epic space battles with genetic codex as the crux as the story.

I know why they did it, it puts Superman's birth world and adopted world's at odds. It plays up on the idea that Superman is the only Kryptonian with choice to lead his life. But just because something has a plot or theme and it's explained doesn't mean it's good or something we all like. If that's the case, we should all like most things that have self contained logic, right?

I thought the genetic stuff was ludicrous. I think having Zod being "bred" to think that way is a lot more simple and "one-dimensional" then having him simply FEEL that way because he wants to.
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Yeah well I clearly stated "besides the genetically altered" crap in my post.

I hated that plot point, especially when everyone else are pretty much mindless drones except Zod and Jor-El who are the only ones who take action.

That and the Matrix babies and the technology seemed like loud, obnoxious noise. Give me more Kansas, give me more Ma and Pa Kent, give me more American values, or even the choice Jor-El and Laura of sending off little Kal-El.

Krypton's weird, sci-fi stuff doesn't resonate with me like the human condition does. The premise of this more "realistic" Superman was to make us think, feel what it would be like to be Superman in our world right? Him learning to fly does that, not big super super epic space battles with genetic codex as the crux as the story.

I know why they did it, it puts Superman's birth world and adopted world's at odds. It plays up on the idea that Superman is the only Kryptonian with choice to lead his life. But just because something has a plot or theme means it's good or something we all like. If that's the case, we should all like most things that have self contained logic, right?

I thought the genetic stuff was ludicrous. I think having Zod being "bred" to think that way is a lot more simple and "one-dimensional" then having him simply FEEL that way because he wants to.
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