Broke and happy
#3 is not an issue or problem at all for people who understand & appreciate the history of that character.
A much bigger nit than any of those is the CG tentacles stuff. Just too over-the-top and cartoony. I've always hated that.
And, for the record, I'd not only run back toward a tornado to save my dog... I'd save him before some people.Mu main beef with that sequence is that they left the dog in the car in the first place. That's what makes it contrived, not that he'd go back.
Lois: Yeah, but DiFabio is non too happy about it so it needed to go on there.

Tentacles: Yeah, but they needed an obstacle for him, not bad enough to consider it a full strike against it, but still silly, they could've come up with something else, reminded me of the Superman 3 machine.

Dog: Dog no, lolcat hell yeah.

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