Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

Collector Freaks Forum

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As. Are . You.:wink1:

Oh boooooo-hooooo-hoooo. I am cut to the quick! [....or not.]

I don't hate your self-important, bag-of-hot-air little self; you're not nearly important enough to hate. I just find you silly.

Which is actually far worse.

*props chin on fist, waits for the "you're evil and a bad person!!" response in 3, 2, 1......*

I think you just suck. And that's worse then silly.
Oh boooooo-hooooo-hoooo. I am cut to the quick! [....or not.]

I don't hate your self-important, bag-of-hot-air little self; you're not nearly important enough to hate. I just find you silly.

Which is actually far worse.

*props chin on fist, waits for the "you're evil and a bad person!!" response in 3, 2, 1......*

I think you just suck. And that's worse then silly.

Here ya go kids:
