Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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:lecture Good call, Ross was at his all-time best. He was a real morale booster during the 1990's ****storm of mediocrity with his movie poster quality work on every panel. I'd love to see someone really take a stab at replicating his style.


By the time WB/DC rereboots Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Flash, and Wonder Woman, DisMarv will have been able to combine the MCU for a Marvels adaptation... all before a successful Justice League movie comes out in 2050. :lol

Ross is actually an arrogant **** who's too self absorbed to understand that it wasn't just his art that made Kingdom Come a success. I lost a lot of respect for that man as a person, talking to him at a signing. I'm just glad I got him to sign the book before Waid because if he'd seen Waid's signature first, he wouldn't have signed it. And honestly, if the story had been weak, I highly doubt it would've been regarded as highly as it is. The art only compliments the story.

As for WB, I'm taking a wait and see approach. As far as I'm concerned, while MoS shows they still don't get it, casting Affleck is a step in a better direction.
Ross is actually an arrogant **** who's too self absorbed to understand that it wasn't just his art that made Kingdom Come a success. I lost a lot of respect for that man as a person, talking to him at a signing. I'm just glad I got him to sign the book before Waid because if he'd seen Waid's signature first, he wouldn't have signed it. And honestly, if the story had been weak, I highly doubt it would've been regarded as highly as it is. The art only compliments the story.

As for WB, I'm taking a wait and see approach. As far as I'm concerned, while MoS shows they still don't get it, casting Affleck is a step in a better direction.

Damn, well damn. Kind of reminds me how McFarlane comes off in person.

Regardless of how messed up his ego is now, both Marvels and Kingdom were inspired turns. Him being a galactic *** might be why he basically only does covers now. :lol

I might agree with you on Affleck if he was fully behind the camera on this one, but if he can pull off a miracle we all win. He has to prove he's got what it takes!
Ross is actually an arrogant **** who's too self absorbed to understand that it wasn't just his art that made Kingdom Come a success. I lost a lot of respect for that man as a person, talking to him at a signing.
What's the story, Wishbone? What did he say to come off like an *******?
What's the story, Wishbone? What did he say to come off like an *******?

When he opened the Kingdom Come hardcover to sign it for my wife, he flipped through the first few pages. I asked what he was doing and he said, "Making sure I'm the only one who signs it." I thought that was odd and after handing him Terminator #1 to sign as well, I asked what's up? "I just don't like other people taking credit for my success." Thought it was VERY odd and he waved me off to sign the next person's schwag (which I had no prob with as the line was huge).

Following year, Wade was at WonderCon and I explained the story to him and he basically stated that Ross takes 100% of the credit for anything he does being successful and blames everybody else for his failures (like his own series which flopped). Wade said that I was lucky Alex was the first person to sign it because Ross would've refused if anybody else had signed it, thinking the owner felt the other person's contributions were greater than Ross'. "So basically, he's an egotist?" Wade replied with, "******* fits better."

It's really a shame because otherwise, the guy seems completely cool and as big a geek as any of us. A shame he let his success go to his head. :(
Too bad about Ross being a ****.
But that often happens with successful artists, they lose touch with reality. Which isn't so hard after all, with a bunch of people telling you you're a genius all day, it must be hard to keep your feet on the ground.
Too bad about Ross being a ****.
But that often happens with successful artists, they lose touch with reality. Which isn't so hard after all, with a bunch of people telling you you're a genius all day, it must be hard to keep your feet on the ground.

...cough...Liefeld...cough... :lol
Mark Waid makes some fair points about issues with how Superman was (mis)handled by Goyer and Snyder. . .but the much bigger issue is something Alan Moore speaks about here, which is the heart of the problem with this film IMO, and the general trend WB seems to be trying to take:

I enjoyed the heck out of it in Nolan's films. It's kind of fun and cool to explore when done right. But it's really gotten out of hand, and now they use that orientation as a crutch to justify superficial mediocrity while taking away the joyful fantasy that is really at the core of why Superman is a special character.
^ But comic books are for adults, and only adults! Kids can't have fun during these movies! These movies aren't made for kids at all! They can't understand how complex and dark this character is!
Mark Waid makes some fair points about issues with how Superman was (mis)handled by Goyer and Snyder. . .but the much bigger issue is something Alan Moore speaks about here, which is the heart of the problem with this film IMO, and the general trend WB seems to be trying to take:

I enjoyed the heck out of it in Nolan's films. It's kind of fun and cool to explore when done right. But it's really gotten out of hand, and now they use that orientation as a crutch to justify superficial mediocrity while taking away the joyful fantasy that is really at the core of why Superman is a special character.

Is that link right? It was posted in 2011 and they're just discussing fascism and how Superman came out of a single man's neurosis, albeit briefly, between taking about writing in general and not being a fan of Dr. Who. :lol

Or are you talking about the first part where they discuss trying to put psychological motivations and extreme violence into the characters, where it has no place belonging?
I'm not referencing his discussion of Superman, but of the Killing Joke. This mentality seems to have driven Moore's work on Supreme, which are the best Superman stories I've ever read, and later Tom Strong.
Well, I can sort of understand taking liberties with proportions and anatomy (I mean, look at Simon Bisley's art, heck, even Frazetta took liberties on anatomy and proportions for effect), but with this guy it definitely looks like lack of talent rather than stylistic choice...
Liefeld was the beginning of the end of the 90s for me. Hilariously bad in every respect. Unintentionaly funny as hell.

ooo... did I say hell?

Godyssey anyone?


