Man Thing Comiquette - epic cancellations?

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There's almost always a rush of cancellation's on SS's non-excl. item's just before processing begins. So while this one may not be any different, it certainly won't be anything out of the norm. The biggest factor concerning cancellations will be the ES...and that 2 /customer limit is definitely worrisome in that respect.
No Exclusive = all dependent on ES. If its high, I'll go elsewhere because as a California collector, tax and shipping alone will kill me on this.
hmmm......CANCELLED :monkey2:monkey2 sadly i just have to much stuff coming at that time. (that year i mean:naughty) so i'll let everyone else that likes man-dingey and that's on the WL get one.:peace
I'm poised to cancel unless this thing blows me away when I see it at SD. The deal breaker for me may come down to that's it's not full body. I wouldn't mind the high price if not for that.
what's the point of cancelling!?...just don't pre-order it!:duh

Flippers may buy this and discover later on that people are not wanting it, thus the cancellations. A rotten economy at the time of release could also cause collectors to cancel since they may have expected their financial situation to change before purchase.
I'm poised to cancel unless this thing blows me away when I see it at SD. The deal breaker for me may come down to that's it's not full body. I wouldn't mind the high price if not for that.

Actually I kinda like the lack of full body. Man-Thing lives in the swamp, and the feet missing in the muck makes this statue a litttle more desirable because it really accentuates the character.

That being said...there is no chance of me ever buying this....don't want anyone asking why I own a mossy green elephent. :D
Okay, just got my 15-day processing notice. I am going to cancel it. Just can't afford it and I don't REALLY need it. So who is actually going to keep their order?

Edit: and SS site still has prototype pics up, "pending approval." I know if I was planning on keeping him, I'd want to see post production pics first.
Got mine too, I really want to keep it, because I think I will regret it later, and have to pay more, but I got so much on flexpay and 2 more, emma pf, and She Hulk I will be FP also, plus predalien starts next month too.....I will try though, I still got some time to think about it.