Man Thing Comiquette - epic cancellations?

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nope cancelled my WL for this one, called the lcs and they had a couple coming in so i got one from them instead........oh yeah I WIN :D

eeeeeeeh!...I'm not too sure if I want to keep him. That shipping scares me!.......and I just bought a General Grievous PF!:rock:banghead:rotfl
Can someone convince me why I should keep my order for the Man-Thing comiquette?.........ktnxbye!
Wow that's an awesome purchase Jinxx, a piece that I'm jealous of, I've been after that PF for a while and have not had a chance at a good price! :monkey2

Let's just say some people will be getting dollar store greeting cards from me this Christmas...:monkey4
Cancelled Man-Thing...for now! But I know I can get him for much lesser price so *raspberry* to you all!:p
Cancelled Man-Thing...for now! But I know I can get him for much lesser price so *raspberry* to you all!:p

you cancelled man thing and you are thinking of cancelling hb too??or you canceled man thing because you decided to keep hb???:confused::confused:
*sigh*'s like talking to a brick wall!:banghead


iz u der, because I think u r der!!! Wha..... what u say! Oh yea I complete agree. I mean wha? Oh yeah it's cool, no worries...

r u der.....? WHo are you? wait jinxxy? Oh yea it's cool..............


iz u der, because I think u r der!!! Wha..... what u say! Oh yea I complete agree. I mean wha? Oh yeah it's cool, no worries...

r u der.....? WHo are you? wait jinxxy? Oh yea it's cool..............


Hey, He's doing his best! I'd like to see us trying to understand greek :)