Yeah, that became the point after we found out about the camera crew and assistance from other people building his rafts and ^^^^.
Regardless I do enjoy the show and I do like Bear. It is a great show, but I have lost a lot of interest in it, ever since it was revealed about the help he gets....the show felt like it went in a different direction with a different structure and I preferred/found the old way much more interesting and entertaining.
Survivorman is a far better show and Les Stroud is the man! I would like to see Bear and Les face off with the Survivorman style rules: 7 days alone and make your way to this point. I would think Survivorman would beat Bear in the terms of health, survival methods and even getting to the extraction point before Bear.
True, but I personally find Les to be far more informative in the terms of survival; and he actually does tell you have to survive. Bear is too much of a risk taker, also he just reiterates the survival tactics that they tell him(or so it appears); while Les actually has to study them for certain areas in order to actually survive. I would rather be stranded with Les than with Bear.