PS. Nice suggestion, Snoopy. Amy Adams is so cute.
Bryce Dallas Howard is a very good choice, Chris!
I'm not too familiar with Alicia Witt and I think Amy Adams is a little too recognized. Bryce Dallas Howard looks to fall in between just perfectly. Definitely an EU character I wouldn't mind seeing come to life. No doubt, the material is there.
Good point and I agree.
I read the terms of service for this forum when I joined, and I re-read them when I saw some of the complaints here before I posted the item you just quoted.
I was not in violation of the terms of service, as far as I can tell. I have not made any insulting or derogatory statements about any forum member. The TOS says this site promotes lively debate. Instead, I see people here trying to bully me from expressing my own opinion. That is not lively debate, much less promotion when a moderator is acting as one of the bullies.
You claim I put myself in a hole, but I disagree. I cannot fathom how another person's opinion should affect your own enjoyment of the EU or any characters. If you told me you hated Chewbacca, it wouldn't matter to me in the slightest (as my Chewbacca PF just arrived today). After all, he's a fictional character and I like him. If you like Mara Jade, that's fine for you. My opinion has no bearing on the matter.
If you think that I've violated the TOS, please spell it out for me. If you just don't like my opinion and plan on being a bully about it, I'd like to know that, too.
Am I free to discuss my opinions here or not? That's the issue that I see.
No one ever said you couldn't voice your opinion. No one. Like Slynger said, you're entitled to your opinion just like everyone else, but coming in here and calling the EU crap does makes it look like you're deliberately trolling. Just saying.
They're more constructive ways to get your point across without resorting to negative comments.
And calling DarthChris a bully is laughable. Chris is one of the nicest Freaks on the board and he's a good mod.
Very nice. God, I have a thing for redheads...
You, Sir, have great taste! I love redheads and raven haired women.
Well said brother. For many years I lived through the books until the PT came out. The EU kept the fire alive for me any there are some novels that aren't the greatest but all of Zhan’s novels IMO are stellar. There are some really great authors out there in the SW EU.
Same here, bro, the EU kept the Star Wars universe alive for me until the PT arrived.