Got mine yesterday - you should be getting yours soon. I believe he was planning on shipping Monday.No invoice from Kit yet for me on this one.....
What's with the burger? Is that something from the Schumacher films?
No invoice from Kit yet for me on this one.....
I’m not sure if they just found some random 1/6 food molds to throw in with him, or if it’s a reference to the Batman Returns McDonald’s tie-in, or the “I’ll get drive-thru” line in Forever.
The glass of milk makes me think 1966 Batman. He should’ve come with a diet coke!
So far I can only find him on KGHobbie, which I've ordered all my 1/6 third party figures from in the past, but the concesus on this board seems less favorable towards them (not sure why).
That would be a dream!Bob.
Hell, I'd love for them to tackle the '89 Comic sequels.
No.That would be a dream!
Is Riddler in the comic sequels? I haven't got round to reading them yet.