Marvel Legends Icons 12"

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Just picked up the Hulk and Venom Icons at my local TRU. Very nice! Are there variants on these figures as well?
I got Venom today. He is and awesome figure. Still not complety sold on Hulk. He is too small for Icons scale, but a bit too big for Legends scale. I just love those Icon Comic books though. Makes me want to get Wolvie and Hulk now just for the books.

I can find Gold Iron Mans fairly easy in my parts, so if you need help I can probably help you out. Masked Capt are impossible to find in my area though. I found mine just after Wal Mart restocked. It was the only one, they had 3 unmasked though :rolleyes:
Buttmunch said:
I got Venom today. He is and awesome figure. Still not complety sold on Hulk. He is too small for Icons scale, but a bit too big for Legends scale. I just love those Icon Comic books though. Makes me want to get Wolvie and Hulk now just for the books.

I can find Gold Iron Mans fairly easy in my parts, so if you need help I can probably help you out. Masked Capt are impossible to find in my area though. I found mine just after Wal Mart restocked. It was the only one, they had 3 unmasked though :rolleyes:
That's very nice of you Buttmunch! I'll have to see if I have enough money and get back to you on your offer.
By the way, have you seen any of the Wallmart exclusive Giant Man wave around your parts? I've been stuck with the four easiest to find figures since they first came out. I haven't seen any more other then AOA Sabertooth.
screamingmetal said:
That's very nice of you Buttmunch! I'll have to see if I have enough money and get back to you on your offer.
By the way, have you seen any of the Wallmart exclusive Giant Man wave around your parts? I've been stuck with the four easiest to find figures since they first came out. I haven't seen any more other then AOA Sabertooth.

Yeah I see some. AOA Sabertooth of course. I usually see AntMan too. Kitty shows up now and again and same with the rest of the wave. I've seen all but the variant Wolverine. LMK who you are looking for and I'll keep an eye out. I can ship them loose too to save on shipping ( I sent a Wolverine and Giant man piece to a member on another board for $1.35 shipping).
Buttmunch said:
Yeah I see some. AOA Sabertooth of course. I usually see AntMan too. Kitty shows up now and again and same with the rest of the wave. I've seen all but the variant Wolverine. LMK who you are looking for and I'll keep an eye out. I can ship them loose too to save on shipping ( I sent a Wolverine and Giant man piece to a member on another board for $1.35 shipping).
Cool beans. Let me see what I can afford. I probably could only get a couple of the Giant Man figures and Gold Iron Man. I'll PM you when I'll know.
The ones I need are Kitty Pride, Thor, Havoc, Warbird, Captain Britain, and the Variant of AOA Wolverine.
Oh Man! I just returned a Captain Britain to Wal Mart the other day for a board member that need one, but found one before I did. :lol I'll keep my eyes pealed for ya though.
If anyone happens to find an extra masked Cap, I could really use him. {and a Giant man head wouldn't be wasted either :monkey3 }
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Ironman1188 said:
If anyone happens to find an extra masked Cap, I could really use him. {and a Giant man head wouldn'y be wasted either :monkey3 }

I seen one by my Wal-Mart about 3 days ago, I can check again today for you. If you see a ML 14 Gold Iron pick it up for me :), Thanks.
I finally came across a Venom the other day and snagged him. Its a pretty cool looking figure and looks at home among 1/6 figures. I wasn't impressed with the Hulk (too small) but these are definitely a great value!

Also, I still run across the Giant Man series so if anyone is looking let me know what you are looking and I can keep my eyes open for ya as long as you cover the cost and shipping (of course). And if anyone spots a Green Goblin from the villians series let me know, I've never seen him at all :monkey2
galactiboy said:
I finally came across a Venom the other day and snagged him. Its a pretty cool looking figure and looks at home among 1/6 figures. I wasn't impressed with the Hulk (too small) but these are definitely a great value!

Also, I still run across the Giant Man series so if anyone is looking let me know what you are looking and I can keep my eyes open for ya as long as you cover the cost and shipping (of course). And if anyone spots a Green Goblin from the villians series let me know, I've never seen him at all :monkey2

My TRU got in like 15 Green Goblins a while ago and still had some left last I went. They are like $9 at TRU though. Strange they never got the rest of the wave though. Only Goblin and no variants of him :confused:
galactiboy said:
I finally came across a Venom the other day and snagged him. Its a pretty cool looking figure and looks at home among 1/6 figures. I wasn't impressed with the Hulk (too small) but these are definitely a great value!

Also, I still run across the Giant Man series so if anyone is looking let me know what you are looking and I can keep my eyes open for ya as long as you cover the cost and shipping (of course). And if anyone spots a Green Goblin from the villians series let me know, I've never seen him at all :monkey2
That sucks because I've seen a few Green Goblins around here and bought mine a while ago. It's the best figure of that series! I still need to buy a Blackheart but have been putting it off.

The one figure I need the most is Variant Wolverine to complete Giant Man so if either of you guys see that figure on the peg I'll happily buy it from you.
galactiboy said:
I finally came across a Venom the other day and snagged him. Its a pretty cool looking figure and looks at home among 1/6 figures. I wasn't impressed with the Hulk (too small) but these are definitely a great value!

Also, I still run across the Giant Man series so if anyone is looking let me know what you are looking and I can keep my eyes open for ya as long as you cover the cost and shipping (of course). And if anyone spots a Green Goblin from the villians series let me know, I've never seen him at all :monkey2

If his head works as 1:6 then I could use that.
Do you mean the giant man head? If so I think he could work for 1/6. Here's a comparison shot of him and SS Obi-Wan. Looks about the same size (give or take) but his head is ball jointed at the base of head, not the neck.


Screamning metal do you just need the Wolverine figure, or the piece? I have a loose wolverine (crispy head) that you could have for shipping cost. But if you need the whole thing I'll keep my eyes open.

Also if anyone could pick up a Green Goblin for me I'd really appreciate it... I don't need the extra piece, just the figure.
Ironman1188 said:
Yes, I meant the head. Thanks for the photo, it looks like it [the head] will suit my purpose.

Glad I could help... I think Giant Man's head is a tad bigger than Obi, but a smidge smaller than Anakin's noggin'. So he's probably just right :lol
galactiboy said:
Do you mean the giant man head? If so I think he could work for 1/6. Here's a comparison shot of him and SS Obi-Wan. Looks about the same size (give or take) but his head is ball jointed at the base of head, not the neck.


Screamning metal do you just need the Wolverine figure, or the piece? I have a loose wolverine (crispy head) that you could have for shipping cost. But if you need the whole thing I'll keep my eyes open.

Also if anyone could pick up a Green Goblin for me I'd really appreciate it... I don't need the extra piece, just the figure.
I'd like both the figure and the Giant Man piece. Obviously the Giant Man left hand is essential to complete Giant Man, but I'm also a huge Age of Apocalypse fan and would love to have the Variant figure as well. So keep an eye out guys, I'll definitely buy that one. Ill try and see if I can find you a Green Goblin, I wont be able to check until this Friday or sometime during the weekend.