Carol to show up at the end (when Kamala was sitting on the street light), but not in a body swap or whatever the hell happened in that mid-credits scene. I did like Carol's new outfit - a much sleeker costume than her CM and Endgame versions. I know the outfit is contributing to it but Brie Larson also looked much skinnier to me. I'm guessing she's been working out quite a bit.
As for Kamala, she's part Clandestine as she's a descendant of Aisha, but something apparently has altered her genes to unlock her abilities and differentiate her from her Nani and mother (both probably tried on the bangle at some point and were unaffected). Maybe they are making her a Mutant, and the bangle unlocked/accelerated her mutation the way Terrigen Mist does so for Inhumans? Your guess is as good as mine.