Yea. Sadly there was nothing I could say or do after that movie to defend it. It needed to go back to marvel. The series was just doing poorly. It had no direction and it was just stupid. Glad he's in the mcu where he belongs.
Marvel TRIED to help sony. They gave advice and tried to help them fix asm2
And sony basically said f-u
I cant ever get over than. Asm2 could have been good if they accepted advice
'I've been told that I'm hindering the process by bringing up an opinion or an idea.'
"There have been times when I've improvised, they've laughed at my joke and then given it to my male co-star," Stone said.
As for what it was like to work with Michael Keaton (who plays The Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming), the actor recalled a funny story about the one-time Batman dropping in some Dark Knight themed jokes on set. "Pretty cool. He's a badass. We have a fight in the movie and I punch him. He turns around and says [in a deep voice], 'I'm Batman.' He kept doing Batman quotes on set."
"We have a fight in the movie and I punch him."
"Every decision we make on set is based off how would a kid react in this situation, so every fight scene we have is designed in a way that's almost child-friendly, so he never actually punches anyone. It's all done kind of by accident. I think the biggest difference is his youth and innocence."