The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
Not even Salma Hayek's glorious 54 year old ta-tas can save this pile of dog****.
Are we sure her 54 ta tas are still glorious? Are we sure?
Not even Salma Hayek's glorious 54 year old ta-tas can save this pile of dog****.
Are we sure her 54 ta tas are still glorious? Are we sure? did it man. You did it!! I was so ready to see my most despised butchering of English, the phrase "should of"....but you got it right!!
Are those real? They look a lot bigger than I remember.
She does look heavier, so maybe that's the reason?
Still, I'd like to do this to them...
Endgame was the conclusion and honestly I probably like that film less every single time I watch it.
And yet IW just gets better and better...
I would probably say it's the best MCU movie with Iron Man 1, Winter Soldier, and Civil War up there too. I just looked at the whole list of MCU films and I'm not as impressed as I once was. The list of upcoming films is completely uninspiring. Most I probably won't even bother watching.
I won't go through the whole list, but I imagine half are really hits for me. But if you kinda miss, the humor seems to be the better way to swallow it. You see the opposite with DC, where it was all serious and despair. IM1, WS, IW, A1 and GOTG1 are the best IMO.
Holy crap
I want to be Antman and go where no man has gone before. I will then stand on that monument and say, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." I will then be considered the greatest most admired man that ever lived by all men around the world...and the Buffinator. Upon my return, I will deliver a new speech, "Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth."
Shortly after, I will drop dead with a big smile on my face. The cause of death, death by snu-snu.I can dream.