Broke and happy
This show is insane lol
Indeed a great fight scene with Nightcrawler and Wolverine.
Loved the OR Cameo that was in there for 5 seconds,I assume at Cherobyl.
Love me some Sinister too!!
Is this down for a 2nd season?
Or is best it ends on a high note.
Great storytelling so far.
Yea I remember people use to cope heavily on why fox does the xmen right. Found it hilariousI think l I hate the show now, not only did it retroactively killed my love for the FOX movies by highlighting my blindness on how actually lame most of them are but also this show has effectively will be spoiling my enjoyment of future Marvel stuff where I'll be constantly ending up comparing them to this.
They could have easily just tossed relentless callbacks, nostalgia baits or make every episode center on Wolverine & make him look more like Huge Jackedman but nooo, they had to tell a "story". Well thanks X-Men 97 for ruining Marvel by putting too much effort, next time tone it down a bit will ya?![]()
It’s already greenlit for 3 seasons.This is the kinda subtle woke I can tolerate. Like I said, show was great. I'm sure they will make an X-men 98' next year.
And they fired him! The best thing they’ve produced for ages and they fired the show runner.Man, the show runners really pulled out their A-game for this revival.
Not as yet mi amigo.Question for those of you watching this:
Is it true that Wolvie puts on the brown suit at some point? And if so, which episode? Thanks!
He will.Question for those of you watching this:
Is it true that Wolvie puts on the brown suit at some point? And if so, which episode? Thanks!
Holy ****
But bloodier.That last panel was straight out of the comics.