I'm not thrilled w. no WS, no Cap, no tie-in to CW - I mean like 5, 10 minutes worth of those characters (like the Antman/Falcon scene re time). Because liking team Cap aside, those last CW scenes are in my head. I'd expect SOME tie-in to that. Not just a throw-away line that mentions those events. Not comfortable with what seems like "OMG, we can't mention any of that, we need everyone to pay attention to all these new characters!!!! Annoying sitting in any movie and thinking "Hold up a sec, what about??????"
But I don't KNOW that that will happen.
Reading comments online IMO it's not Disney stereotyping. Disney can't win really no matter what they do. Release too close to Thor and IW and folks will say Disney "diluted" BP's box office.
And figure Ryan Coogler had a fair amount of say in this film as Fiege really wanted him on board. Liked the BP trailer at first and then I thought thought tho, really, not a heck of a lot happens. Maybe the SDCC trailer is more mind-blowing. I'm not gonna pay theater prices just because of skin color. It's not like someone's checking a box re my being PC or not.
Love the MCU so far tho. Like Boseman's T'Challa. Love the Africa setting and the idea of a shaman-type character. Like the hints of mysticism. Hope there's an explanation re CW of why T'Challa's ring didn't work on WS arm and about the vibranium re the comics.
So I'll go see this, but probably not opening weekend. It IS supposed to be some kind of lead-in to IW.
Because hints/guesses that the Soul Stone is in Wakanda and that's why Wakanda is attacked in IW