Marvel's Wanda Vision

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My biggest problem with the show - no good bad guys in the house.

Thankfully we have Zemo coming back for F&WS. :rock
Wasn't a fan of the finale. :dunno

It's not that it was bad, just wasn't fulfilling. Too many dumb moments with a lot of plot holes for me.

9 episodes over 9 weeks was too much. Should've been longer episodes and 5 weeks tops. All this has done is made me decide I'll wait till Falcon & WS is over and binge watch it. Don't care if anything gets spoiled. Don't care about Zemo or whatever the story is. Just looks to be a buddy action show.
Yep, I also just watched the finale and IMO a huge let down. Just no satisfying pay off or conclusion to so much that was set up, and was it just me or was the pacing weird? I agree it wasn't terrible, but now in retrospective the entire show to me is just "meh" because so much of the teasing and build up is heavily relying on the ending.....

The peak of the show was definitely the middle 3 episodes, where some of the curtain is pulled back but not all and you get a lot of intrigue plus great contrast of the sit com world versus the outside world.

Edit: Also yeah, MASSIVE miss step with Evan Peters. What they did with "quicksilver" here is just plain trolling but not in a good way. I am getting TLJ PTSD with the subverted expectations.
I always saw the Evan Peters casting as nothing more than a wink to the fans so I didn't feel bad about what his character turned out to really be.

I'm surprised people were disappointed DS didn't appear though. I for one found it good that Wanda sorted this mess out on her own.

Also really liked her final goodbyes in that house. That was a really sad moment.

I still subscribe to the theory that Agatha isn't fully evil. I think deep inside she thinks she is saving the world by stopping Wanda. She even mentions that Wanda has unleashed something by her actions.
The QS thing was like unwrapping a really cool gift but when you open the box it's empty and you can hear people laughing from the next room.
In my mind it never tracked that they'd bring a mutant QS into the MCU. When the ownership rights forced them to come up with an alternate MCU origin story for the twins, they weren't going to incorporate anything that retroactively made their previous work null & void. That would have been the tail (Fox) wagging the dog, and obviously the MCU is the big dog now when it comes to superheroes on screen. Granted the stunt casting was a big red herring, but given when it happened in the story his being a magical fabrication wasn't at all surprising.

Yet they are bringing Mutants into the MCU with Deadpool and ?The Mutants?, they had the perfect opportunity to bring in an already beloved Quicksilver and they wasted it imo. Wanda can warp reality, they could have done something like she plucked him from another universe or something and it would have made sense. He wouldnt be her brother, but he would still be Quicksilver.

Subverting expectations for the sake of subverting expectations isnt good, especially when they are only doing it so they can laugh at us fans for getting excited over something they knew we would get excited over.

Why was ?Ralph Bohner? never identified as one of the residents by SWORD/FBI?
So what did everyone think of the BvS style fight off at the end...with both Wanda and Vision fight flying?
Yet they are bringing Mutants into the MCU with Deadpool and ?The Mutants?, they had the perfect opportunity to bring in an already beloved Quicksilver and they wasted it imo. Wanda can warp reality, they could have done something like she plucked him from another universe or something and it would have made sense. He wouldnt be her brother, but he would still be Quicksilver.

Subverting expectations for the sake of subverting expectations isnt good, especially when they are only doing it so they can laugh at us fans for getting excited over something they knew we would get excited over.

Why was ?Ralph Bohner? never identified as one of the residents by SWORD/FBI?

Spoilers ahead!

Yup they completely botched a great mystery build up which only hurts more BECAUSE they themselves did such a great job with that build up that had such a clear narrative path to the conclusions a majority of fans were expecting BECAUSE 85% of those expectations made perfect sense BECAUSE that?s how good the build up was.

How do you market a show by saying that it is clearly leading up to the DS2 movie and then not add DS2 to the grand finale that is leading into his own movie! :slap

How do you market a show by saying that it is clearly leading up to the multiverse and then not address the multiverse with the QS character, mind you AFTER THEY WENT THRU ALL THE TROUBLE OF INTRODUCING EVAN IN THE FIRST PLACE, in the grand finale that is leading into their multiverse! :slap

This level of failure just keeps going too from:

the mysterious engineer to
the big cameo to
Monica?s reaction to Carol Danvers name being mentioned to
the delivery guy to
the bee guy to
Dottie to
the commercial actors to
Ultron involvement to
Vision not telling Wanda what he did with White Vision to
Fury not dealing with Hayward himself instead sending a skrull how cowardly of him btw

I could forgive some of those like the bee guy and Ultron involvement had they followed their own natural path and correctly delivered on the QS angle, DS involvement and Fury involvement BUT NOPE a BIG misdirection that served no purpose

Well here is my BIG MEH lol

At least have ATJ return as QS sheesh
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Pretty much what ruined the show for me also . I don?t care about the theories not coming true but what was up with all the teasing?

What?s up with saying this is going to touch on the multiverse and putting in a character that is from the multiverse only to use him as a **** joke. How lame . It?s like the show got cold feet and decided to play it safe and stick to the reveals nobody cares about . Who the hell cares about some random skrull?

Now I?m scared that spiderman 3 will be just another silly marvel film that doesn?t touch on the multiverse at all. What a silly head scratching move .

Unless there a secret episode or something coming I consider this a waste of time. All this crap she went through could have been wrapped up in 3 episodes.
Yet they are bringing Mutants into the MCU with Deadpool and ?The Mutants?, they had the perfect opportunity to bring in an already beloved Quicksilver and they wasted it imo. Wanda can warp reality, they could have done something like she plucked him from another universe or something and it would have made sense. He wouldnt be her brother, but he would still be Quicksilver.

Subverting expectations for the sake of subverting expectations isnt good, especially when they are only doing it so they can laugh at us fans for getting excited over something they knew we would get excited over.

Why was ?Ralph Bohner? never identified as one of the residents by SWORD/FBI?

Yea why wasn?t Ralph bohner not identified before? Again just a poor decision that came out from nowhere cause..... lord knows what.
I thought the whole multiverse thing being in WandaVision was a fan theory? Was it officially stated that it would introduce the multiverse?

All I remember reading was that WandaVision will tie into the DS2 movie, but this is only really brought about by Elizabeth Olsen's casting announcement for DS2.

I will admit, I was glad the MCU resisted bring Doctor Strange into this episode though.
C’mon now how cool would it had been to see DS floating behind SW instead of a silly rune when the camera panned behind her what an amazing hair raising reveal that would have been with him moving his arms around creating a spell

The introduction of a SW level of threat would had instantly brought DS to confront her and also Agatha

If he is not immediately confronting SW on earth then why is he even around for.

I still think the delivery guy should have been DS

Ughh i’m so depressed I can’t even look at my HT Thanos right now lol

Oh and FU Paul Bettany!
C’mon now how cool would it had been to see DS floating behind SW instead of a silly rune when the camera panned behind her what an amazing hair raising reveal that would have been with him moving his arms around creating a spell

The introduction of a SW level of threat would had instantly brought DS to confront her and also Agatha

If he is not immediately confronting SW on earth then why is he even around for.

I still think the delivery guy should have been DS

Ughh i’m so depressed I can’t even look at my HT Thanos right now lol

Oh and FU Paul Bettany!

For me personally this is Wanda's story so I did not want another character to come swooping in for her defense. This was something I felt that Wanda needed to resolve herself.

IMO Doctor Strange will have his time. The final after credits clip has his theme music on it. :rotfl
For me personally this is Wanda's story so I did not want another character to come swooping in for her defense. This was something I felt that Wanda needed to resolve herself.

IMO Doctor Strange will have his time. The final after credits clip has his theme music on it. :rotfl

It's literally his job to protect their reality though, Wanda was messing with that reality for what, 2 weeks? I find it hard to believe he wouldn't show up, even if not until the very end.
It's literally his job to protect their reality though, Wanda was messing with that reality for what, 2 weeks? I find it hard to believe he wouldn't show up, even if not until the very end.

I'm sure they'll come up with an excuse. Maybe he was out handling something else.

It's just like how in IM3, people were wondering why the Avengers did not come in to help Tony out against AIM or how in Spiderman Far From Home none of the other Avengers were available to help out in those "Avengers Level" threats.