Marvel's Wanda Vision

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I'm sure they'll come up with an excuse. Maybe he was out handling something else.

It's just like how in IM3, people were wondering why the Avengers did not come in to help Tony out against AIM or how in Spiderman Far From Home none of the other Avengers were available to help out in those "Avengers Level" threats.

I used to use this reason to defend previous movies but just 1 Avenger should not be a big deal
I didn’t necessarily expect DS to come in and resolve everything, but I at least expected a brief cameo ala SLJ in Iron Man. Overall I enjoyed the show, but just slightly underwhelmed.
Loki member said it best...

No one is saying that it was poorly made or crap writing and acted JUST that it was super unfulfilling

It was a well made light beer lol

The build up was a thing of perfection!

The landing was an Elon Musk rocket!
I used to use this reason to defend previous movies but just 1 Avenger should not be a big deal

At most, I would have been ok with DS appearing in a post credits scene. Actually, I was expecting him to show up in that last one, but I am ok he still didn't show up.
Haywards whole character makes no sense to me. Just a total caricature bad guy.

-Purposefully antagonises Wanda
-Kidnaps an FBI agent
-Shoots at children
-Turns Vision into a souless murder bot (when Vision was already a good guy that'd protect the world anyway).
Haywards whole character makes no sense to me. Just a total caricature bad guy.

-Purposefully antagonises Wanda
-Kidnaps an FBI agent
-Shoots at children
-Turns Vision into a souless murder bot (when Vision was already a good guy that'd protect the world anyway).

Yup as is handled poorly

If he didn’t shoot the kids he wouldn’t even really be a bad guy other than that one nasty lie and he knew the kids weren’t real anyways.

Good thing the witness protection person and commercial actors were explained.....yes that’s sarcasm
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Wasn't a fan of the finale. :dunno

It's not that it was bad, just wasn't fulfilling. Too many dumb moments with a lot of plot holes for me.

9 episodes over 9 weeks was too much. Should've been longer episodes and 5 weeks tops. All this has done is made me decide I'll wait till Falcon & WS is over and binge watch it. Don't care if anything gets spoiled. Don't care about Zemo or whatever the story is. Just looks to be a buddy action show.

Yep, I also just watched the finale and IMO a huge let down. Just no satisfying pay off or conclusion to so much that was set up, and was it just me or was the pacing weird? I agree it wasn't terrible, but now in retrospective the entire show to me is just "meh" because so much of the teasing and build up is heavily relying on the ending.....

The peak of the show was definitely the middle 3 episodes, where some of the curtain is pulled back but not all and you get a lot of intrigue plus great contrast of the sit com world versus the outside world.

Edit: Also yeah, MASSIVE miss step with Evan Peters. What they did with "quicksilver" here is just plain trolling but not in a good way. I am getting TLJ PTSD with the subverted expectations.

:exactly: Pretty much this - completely agree.

Really disliked the "Quicksilver" twist, such a waste. :( The Vision fight was good though. :)
Agree with people here, the SWORD stuff was basically poorly written. Monica flopped for me. Quicksilver ended up being a not funny joke.

But lets analyze the show as a whole, and what can we take away from this?

Overall I like the show. A lot of the episodes, especially those focused on the strangeness of Westview, were very good. In the end, if you take a step back and look at what happened, you come to understand this was a show about how Super-Villains get created. In that sense, there are some subtle risks taking place. I wish the writing was a little tighter in places, and less focus on setting up more TV shows, but the show was a success.

Thanos we briefly understood was somebody who saw the decline of his society, and that grief caused him to seek an answer by controversial means. Wanda is no different. In her grief, she tried to find happiness through the suffering of thousands.

In the end Wanda did not learn the major lesson, that to be a hero, you have to use your powers responsibly and not selfishly. She brings down the hex after finally getting called out on the horrors she has committed. But she walks away now more powerful than ever, and with a tomb of dark knowledge. To obtain what she wants now, she is craving more power. This time what happened in Westview won't be an 'accident.' Next time she will try to break the barriers of the multiverse to obtain what she wants, now that she is mastering her power, unleashing untold horrors upon everybody.

So while I have my issues with the show, and they could have made it a great show instead of a merely 'good' show, I do like the seeds planted here, and blurring the traditional lines of a super-villain/super-hero situation.
Spoilers ahead!

Yup they completely botched a great mystery build up which only hurts more BECAUSE they themselves did such a great job with that build up that had such a clear narrative path to the conclusions a majority of fans were expecting BECAUSE 85% of those expectations made perfect sense BECAUSE that?s how good the build up was.

How do you market a show by saying that it is clearly leading up to the DS2 movie and then not add DS2 to the grand finale that is leading into his own movie! :slap

How do you market a show by saying that it is clearly leading up to the multiverse and then not address the multiverse with the QS character, mind you AFTER THEY WENT THRU ALL THE TROUBLE OF INTRODUCING EVAN IN THE FIRST PLACE, in the grand finale that is leading into their multiverse! :slap

This level of failure just keeps going too from:

the mysterious engineer to
the big cameo to
Monica?s reaction to Carol Danvers name being mentioned to
the delivery guy to
the bee guy to
Dottie to
the commercial actors to
Ultron involvement to
Vision not telling Wanda what he did with White Vision to
Fury not dealing with Hayward himself instead sending a skrull how cowardly of him btw

I could forgive some of those like the bee guy and Ultron involvement had they followed their own natural path and correctly delivered on the QS angle, DS involvement and Fury involvement BUT NOPE a BIG misdirection that served no purpose

Well here is my BIG MEH lol

At least have ATJ return as QS sheesh

I agree with all of the above except I did really enjoy Wanda creating the giant runes to defeat Agatha without needing help from DS or anyone else. That was a clever and satisfying twist IMO especially since I thought they were building up to a lame Ang Lee Hulk victory ("You want my power, take it, take it all/No, it's too much, take it back, ahhhhhh!") and I'm *so* glad they didn't do that.

Otherwise it served as a fun 9 episodes to watch Elizabeth Olson perform but man like you said it really dropped the ball on adding anything particularly noteworthy to the MCU overall. Sinververse Quicksilver was Feige trumping anything that TLJ ever did. "Not my Quicksilver" indeed. He's not *any* Quicksilver?? When they got the original actor and have the entire multiverse as an excuse to introduce him? So that's twice now that the multiverse has been total BS? Mysterio was just a disgruntled Stark employee from their same universe and now this Quicksilver Bohner BS. Now I can't help but wonder if they're laughing their asses off hiring Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and all those guys just so that they can troll us yet again and have them just playing Spidey cosplayers at an Avengers fan convention or something.

And as tearful as the goodbye was to Vision and the kids I couldn't help but wonder why it was even necessary. Since they were constructs and not hypnotized people couldn't she just create a little pocket neighborhood *anywhere* for them to live happily ever after? Somewhere remote like oh I don't know the actual cabin she ended up retreating to in the last scene, lol. I don't get it. :dunno

And Darcy taking out the idiotic Sword dude (such a lame "bad guy" played by an absolutely terrible actor) with her dumb line in the finale, ughhhh. :slap
this was a show about how Super-Villains get created.

Thanos we briefly understood was somebody who saw the decline of his society, and that grief caused him to seek an answer by controversial means. Wanda is no different. In her grief, she tried to find happiness through the suffering of thousands.

Did we need an entire 8 episodes to make that point? Not really. All the variant decade sitcoms gag? No. This was a very thin story stretched to impossible length, much like a Peter Jackson movie.

Rewatchability is dead for this show.
Yep this isnt something I can see myself ever watching again, maybe just select clips on Youtube.
It started really flat, got better in the middle then just crashed again for me.
I agree with all of the above except I did really enjoy Wanda creating the giant runes to defeat Agatha without needing help from DS or anyone else. That was a clever and satisfying twist IMO especially since I thought they were building up to a lame Ang Lee Hulk victory ("You want my power, take it, take it all/No, it's too much, take it back, ahhhhhh!") and I'm *so* glad they didn't do that.

Otherwise it served as a fun 9 episodes to watch Elizabeth Olson perform but man like you said it really dropped the ball on adding anything particularly noteworthy to the MCU overall. Sinververse Quicksilver was Feige trumping anything that TLJ ever did. "Not my Quicksilver" indeed. He's not *any* Quicksilver?? When they got the original actor and have the entire multiverse as an excuse to introduce him? So that's twice now that the multiverse has been total BS? Mysterio was just a disgruntled Stark employee from their same universe and now this Quicksilver Bohner BS. Now I can't help but wonder if they're laughing their asses off hiring Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and all those guys just so that they can troll us yet again and have them just playing Spidey cosplayers at an Avengers fan convention or something.

And as tearful as the goodbye was to Vision and the kids I couldn't help but wonder why it was even necessary. Since they were constructs and not hypnotized people couldn't she just create a little pocket neighborhood *anywhere* for them to live happily ever after? Somewhere remote like oh I don't know the actual cabin she ended up retreating to in the last scene, lol. I don't get it. :dunno

And Darcy taking out the idiotic Sword dude (such a lame "bad guy" played by an absolutely terrible actor) with her dumb line in the finale, ughhhh. :slap

I thought of the same thing and the only thing I can come up with is that to create them again requires a lot of energy output again

Did we need an entire 8 episodes to make that point? Not really. All the variant decade sitcoms gag? No. This was a very thin story stretched to impossible length, much like a Peter Jackson movie.

Rewatchability is dead for this show.

Yeah I could see revisiting maybe 10 minutes of the Halloween episode (I'm sure you know which ones, lol) and call it a day on everything else.

Even if the finale had delivered everything I wanted I would still only rewatch the finale but now that they didn?t stick the landing I will never revisit ever again lol
I agree with all of the above except I did really enjoy Wanda creating the giant runes to defeat Agatha without needing help from DS or anyone else. That was a clever and satisfying twist IMO especially since I thought they were building up to a lame Ang Lee Hulk victory ("You want my power, take it, take it all/No, it's too much, take it back, ahhhhhh!") and I'm *so* glad they didn't do that.

Otherwise it served as a fun 9 episodes to watch Elizabeth Olson perform but man like you said it really dropped the ball on adding anything particularly noteworthy to the MCU overall. Sinververse Quicksilver was Feige trumping anything that TLJ ever did. "Not my Quicksilver" indeed. He's not *any* Quicksilver?? When they got the original actor and have the entire multiverse as an excuse to introduce him? So that's twice now that the multiverse has been total BS? Mysterio was just a disgruntled Stark employee from their same universe and now this Quicksilver Bohner BS. Now I can't help but wonder if they're laughing their asses off hiring Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and all those guys just so that they can troll us yet again and have them just playing Spidey cosplayers at an Avengers fan convention or something.

And as tearful as the goodbye was to Vision and the kids I couldn't help but wonder why it was even necessary. Since they were constructs and not hypnotized people couldn't she just create a little pocket neighborhood *anywhere* for them to live happily ever after? Somewhere remote like oh I don't know the actual cabin she ended up retreating to in the last scene, lol. I don't get it. :dunno

And Darcy taking out the idiotic Sword dude (such a lame "bad guy" played by an absolutely terrible actor) with her dumb line in the finale, ughhhh. :slap

**** your right. That is twice on the multiverse trolling . Mysterio and now this. Why are dancing around the idea they want to do? What?s up with this bs? It didn?t add anything . I hear marvel mcu stans say this was wandas show and wasn?t meant to be anything bigger . Ok cool. Then why give out hints for bigger events only for it to not amount to anything ?

Sheesh I feel like sm 3 is going to be like you said . Tobey will play a janitor and Andrew and gym coach . Both wearing Spider-Man shirts as a little wink to the fans . Lol
Found this on tumblr. Thought it was funny

Can?t wait for Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire*to show up in No Way Home only to find out they are playing random side characters called Harry Cox and **** Myaz.
Quite a turn of events...

I think her children calling out for help at the end is a trick to get her to go somewhere also many are theorizing that Sam Raimi directed the cabin scene because the camera movement flying towards the rickety cabin is similar to evil dead which it was.
In the end Wanda did not learn the major lesson, that to be a hero, you have to use your powers responsibly and not selfishly. She brings down the hex after finally getting called out on the horrors she has committed. But she walks away now more powerful than ever, and with a tomb of dark knowledge. To obtain what she wants now, she is craving more power. This time what happened in Westview won't be an 'accident.' Next time she will try to break the barriers of the multiverse to obtain what she wants, now that she is mastering her power, unleashing untold horrors upon everybody.

This is my takeaway too. Her face at the end of the Westview incident wasn't that of remorse but that of resignation. She's still very broken, and that shows at the final end credits. I would really want to see where they go with this character.

There are rumors that WandaVision, No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness is a "weak trilogy" where they connect together to an overall storyline. I hope that is the case.

Did we need an entire 8 episodes to make that point? Not really. All the variant decade sitcoms gag? No. This was a very thin story stretched to impossible length, much like a Peter Jackson movie.

Rewatchability is dead for this show.

Me personally I felt that knowing where the story was going makes for a better rewatch. I like trying to find details I did not see before so looking for clues that would point to how it all ended is something I enjoy.

I think her children calling out for help at the end is a trick to get her to go somewhere also many are theorizing that Sam Raimi directed the cabin scene because the camera movement flying towards the rickety cabin is similar to evil dead which it was.

I wouldn't be surprised if he directed that scene. Isn't that an MCU thing where the end credits is directed by the director who is directing the next connected movie?
Here let me prove just how much of a failure this finale was

Answer this with certainty using the available evidence.

Is Wanda a villain or not
Here let me prove just how much of a failure this finale was

Answer this with certainty using the available evidence.

Is Wanda a villain or not

I'm the series at least, I do think she ended more of a villain. I'd say she is potentially going to be at the very least, an antihero moving forward.

Her having the Darkhold at the end does not bode well.