I want a good Thane PF or figure or whatever, it needs to be done
Just completed the demo last night...PUMPED!!
I found that they have made the controls a little more fluid and faster paced..you can roll slide in and out of cover quickly. However I couldn't quite work out how to vault across obstacles quickly; I still had to do the cover climb over thing like in me2.
By the way, anyone found a good YouTube link with all the mass effect 1 cutscenes? Didn't play that cuz I'm on the ps3, but feel like I need to get up to speed with the story (I didn't know who the hell captain kirrahe was).
____, I knew I shoulda PO'd the N7 edition a while ago, it's sold out everywhere now.![]()
____, I knew I shoulda PO'd the N7 edition a while ago, it's sold out everywhere now.![]()
I PO'd it so long ago, thankfully.......it sold out at Seattle area Game Stops about 3 months ago.
I know I shoulda po'd it, just didn't have the money, had to pay for school.![]()
Some places like Game Stop only make you put a deposit down. For this game it was $10...then I'll pay the balance when I pick it up. Doesn't help you now, I know...but something to think about in the future if you have any local Game Stops.
I destroy the base.Finished 2 again and I still destroyed the Collector Base at the end.Screw you Cerberus. I was tempted to maybe save it....but then I really started paying attention to all the mission reports this time around - and The Illusive Man/Cerberus just confirmed that I could never trust them. Yes, they will do what is best for humanity, even if it means sabotaging other alien races to do so...alien races that are our allies...I would not feel comfortable with that...ever. Plus Reapers are comprised of both organic and inorganic materials. What organic material would Cerberus harvest/use to make a Reaper? It would most likely have to be another alien race. That's my thoughts on it anyway.
One thing about this last playthrough, I felt kind of sad for the Collectors when the base is about to blow up, and Harbinger says "We will find another way. You have failed. Releasing control." and that one Collector at the controls just looked so sad, grasping at the sides of that console. I know I'm strange.But this time around, I felt bad for them....they were once a great race and are now indoctrinated puppets...they are as much a victim as everyone else the Reapers have killed.
Anyway....I do love this game so damn much. And I love the Suicide mission the best. I still hate the IFF mission with a passion. I would gladly fight a Collector or geth any day of the week over a horde of husks. Hate those damn things.
Of the shockwave power makes those husks quite easy and the only heavy weapon worth using IMO is the nuke. Makes the reactor, even on insanity a hell of a lot easier.
I only really like Paragon, but I liked the Renegade choice with that reporter, and with that merc in the tower in the recruit Thane mission. I save the game right before those. "I hope you can fly"Renegade is where it's at! I thought it was hilarious to punch reporters and replace Samara by her daughter and then sleep with her.
I always thought insanity was the true way to play. Felt much more like an rpg that way as you really had to rely on a variety of biotics, tech and firepower.