I'd be totally down for an Epilogue. In fact a series & story of this scope basically demands it.
Yeah, like you said Jen, just a further explanation would be nice, but I think we'd be crazy lucky if they answered even a third of the stuff you mentioned above.
It's good that you posted your top 5 moments. Some positivity in this thread would be good. My favorites pretty much mirror yours, and I'll admit my lip quivered during a couple of them. I'm not admitting that I cried, though.
Some stuff you hadn't mentioned that I really liked:
Thane's death. It was just perfectly done and his fate suited his character. I heard that if Thane was your love interest, his death scene was especially moving. Wonder if it's on youtube.
Killing Kai Leng. It felt good, especially when Shepard yells "That was for Thane, you son of a _____!". I yelled out "____ YEAH"
Garrus and Shepard's "bromance" moments, especially in the final moments on Earth, when they talk about what they'll do if they survive. He's the best friend, ever.
Any moment with Javik. I'm thinking about starting a second play through in which I take him everywhere I go.
Finished it last night. The endings, well I'm not so sure about them yet. I guess what pisses me the most is the mass relays blowing up, surely it wiped out the fleets as well as all the planets you've visited? And earth? So basically everyone is dead, apart from joker and the squad, only Shepard did it not the reapers? Meh.
Epic game though. Some great bits. Edi stole the show for me she was hilarious!
Also, jack died in ME2 because she wasn't loyal, so I never saw her though ME3 and also zaeed died in ME3, I'm guessing this is because he was'nt loyal at the end of ME2. Quite a few of the old squad died!
Do you have Wrex or Wreave? I won't say anything more....but just curious which Krogan is alive in your game.
OK...there's some interesting plot twists if you have Wrex.
Yeah I know thane is a given. I understand you can save mordin somehow?
I must say i'm really glad I downloaded the Javik DLC. He is a great character and the glimpse into his cycle was great. Though I downloaded it quite late on so I never made the most of him.
And oh man, the moment you go into the main battery where Garrus is based only to be greeted by him and Tali having a moment was brilliant. The dialogue when they both try to explain the situation![]()
awesome now i got to play it again with wrex alive good thing about this game lots of replay value .
To know how they're feeling you do.![]()
I do know how they're feeling. I've been reading way more than I should about the situation concerning the ending since I have been considering paying good money for the CE.
Some people including possibly many within Bioware, defend Bioware saying that the ending is the visionary tale crafted by them. That it's their story to tell. The ending is their vision, their art, and ultimately it ends the way they want it to.
Most fans are upset because they have spent countless hours playing the game, making connections with the characters, and making decisions that they THOUGHT were going to impact the narrative in a big way. They felt that Bioware deceived them at the end by making all their monumental choices irrelevant. They feel that the story was created for them with THIER decisions which would result in THIER story with THEIR own individual ending. The ending , they believe, belongs to them based on what they've gone through for countless hours throughout the trilogy, and the way Bioware marketed the franchise in the first place.
So,.... um.... what's not to get? How is my analogy off base?
I did, just didn't feel like it's worth the continued back and fourth at risk of an argument.Was wondering if you had seen my response Kidd.
I did, just didn't feel like it's worth the continued back and fourth at risk of an argument.
Irish has played the games, seen the endings, he knows and is justified in calling me/any others, whiners. whether your analogy is spot on is one thing, but...well, just play the games first and get back to me. For all you know you could be making fun of yourself. Play em' they're an amazing ride (except the end).
This whole sad situation is basically Stephen King's MISERY. BioWare is Paul Sheldon and the whiney fans demanding a new ending are Annie Wilkes.
I thought this was more like The Secret Window. With BioWare being Mort Rainey and the whiney fans being John Shooter. Both demanding that the ending belongs to them...![]()
Not Jack, since Banshees are made from Asaris with a certain gene.. think about that.I did everything possible in ME1 and ME2 ....and bizarrely this actually made ME3 a less interesting game ?
(don't get me wrong, it was still awesome but...)
So I read that Jack could be turned into a banshee and you made to fight her near the end? That would have been tragic and freaking awesome to experience.
Instead every one of my squad mates got a similar happy ending (except the ones that die no matter what)
For me the most impact was in moments where people you cared about died.
I'm still grieving for the very model of a scientist salarian LOL![]()