Mass Effect 3

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The plan is to make ME3 Shepard, Miranda, Liara, Garrus and possibly Ashley but we aren't sure about her. Dr Feel Good is going to help on the Turian body for Garrus and possibly for Krogans and Salarians if we decide to go that far.

But this project is in the very early stages of development(gathering all source/reference material and bodies) as I have 3 other projects happening right now plus I may need to get a new laptop which will set this ME project back some. BUT I'm partnering up with some friends of mine to see about them doing the armor and possibly the weapons. But if they can't tackle the weapons then I'll be doing the weapons along with the Headsculpts.

If anyone wants to help in terms of reference material, I really need some good, big shots of the omni blade and the omni tool so we can try to figure out how and if we can make those. We also need good hi-res if possible shots of Garuss' and Ashley's ME3 armor

Yep, i'll be takling the headsculpts and possibly the weapons while others will be handling the armor. I've been practicing more and with these I want to try to input subtle skin texture. If this project does go all the way, I'm sure this will be my best work to date in terms of sculpting.

will you making for the public or will this be a personal project ?
will you making for the public or will this be a personal project ?

We're not sure yet. We all know we can do this but the main problem is we don't know how to cast :lol :slap we'd prefer to get someone who knows what they're doing when it comes to casting
Fans, ready to be even more disappointed/angry? A few crafty fans have dug through hidden audio files from the game and discovered dialogue that indicates that the final mission was supposed to be much grander in scope, possibly encompassing assigning reinforcements to different parts of Earth.

Seems like the game was rushed for release, and a ton of stuff was cut, including what was supposed to be a talk with a Geth Prime, Admiral Raan, and Primarch Victus on Earth:

So I went through some other files and it's blatantly obvious that one of two things happened. Either a) Bioware ran out of time to implement the ending they wanted or b) they're going to just replace this all with DLC.
I say this looking most specifically at Primarch Victus' dialog (below Admiral Raan). Victus' dialog shows pretty plainly that Bioware planned for your decisions in ME2 and ME3 to affect how the events on Palavan played out. If Wrex and Eve survived and the Genophage was cured, the Krogan and Turian allied together and essentially saved Palvan. If the alliance fell apart because Wrex was dead or Eve was dead or both then there were serious ramifications for Palavan and the Turians.
Now, based on some of the Geth dialog and some of Anderson's dialog it seems like there may have been a design around sending reinforcements to specific areas. Remember the map Anderson as using? There could be potential there for some sort of rock/paper/scissors gameplay there, sort of like the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2. I'll keep digging though the audio but holy ____ there are some implications in here. I'm... angry that this didn't make the final game.

Geth Prime
Shepard: Have the Reapers tried contacting you since Rannoch?
Prime: They made an attempt. We rejected it.
Shepard: Hope our guys haven't taken any shots at you.
Prime: Allied fire has been minimal.
Prime: Your military commanders briefed your soldiers extensively on Geth organic cooperation.
Shepard: How are you and the Quarians working together?
Prime: Geth platforms have been integrated with Creator Squadrons. We serve as front line uints.
Prime: It is a tactically sound strategy and there is (pause) synergy when we are in consensus.
Prime: Our hardware can withstand more damage than Quarian envirosuits and creators are skilled at providing cover fire.
Prime: We have coordinated with creator forces. Our platforms will support their ground units.
Shepard: What's your status?
Prime: Hostile outbreak suppressed. Self repair protocols engaged.
Prime: Hostile outbreak!
Prime: We are ready Shepard Commander.
Prime: Standing by.
Prime: Ready to join allied forces.
Prime: Awaiting counter-attack signal.
Prime: Once the war is over, we will help rebuild yours.
Prime: Today the Geth fight to secure our future.
Prime: We will not relinquish sentience. There will be no more compromise with the Old Machines.
Prime: Preparations are complete. We stand ready.
Prime: The Geth are prepared to face the Reapers.
Prime: New targets acquired.
Prime: Assessing platform losses. Sixty-four units offline.
Prime: Hostile contact!
Prime: Targets acquired.
Prime: Additional platforms will arrive via orbital drop once clearance is achieved.
Prime: Shepard Commander?
Prime: Tracking!
Prime: Deploying prime units. Orbital drop commencing.
Prime: Old machine forces spotted. Targeting.
Prime: Insufficient unit strength requesting reinforcements.
Prime: Creator squadrons are encountering heavy fire. Mobilizing support.

Admiral Raan
Shepard: Thanks Raan, good luck.
Shepard: I appreciate your support admiral. Those live ships will bring a lot of firepower, just keep them protected.
Raan: The live ships are safe, Commander.
Raan: We will do whatever we must to win.
Raan: Commander Shepard, a pleasure to see you again.

primarch Victus
Shepard: I want to thank you for deploying your fleet. How did they manage?
Victus: About as good as I could have hoped. Which is to say there isn't much of a fleet left.
Victus: Taking the main reaper force head on?
Victus: They were decimated. Earth is now the largest Turian graveyard outside of Palavan.
Victus: This is our last stand Commander. There are no more reinforcements.
Shepard: I never got the chance to talk to you about your son
Victus: I know I'm just one of many who have lost their son to war.
Victus: Then our victory today is for those who won't see their children again.
Shepard: Well your son gave us a real chance at winning this one.
Shepard: Your son honored the Victus name. He was a true hero.
Victus: Thank you commander. Hearing that... means a great deal.
Victus: Yes he... rectified an unfortunate mistake made int he past. I'm sorry I couldn't be more open with you about it.
Shepard: I'm glad we got this chance to speak.
Shepard: How are things back on Palavan?
Victus: The Krogan put up a magnificent fight. Fearless to the last soldier. Please make that worth something today Commander.
Victus: They bought us time to evacuate civilians.
Victus: Our alliance didn't survive and neither did millions of Turians because of it. Our only hope now is the crucible.
Victus: Then the bomb, our bomb, exploded on Tuchanka as you may have heard.
Victus: Wreav kept his word but he couldn't get the other clans to fall in line. We never got the reinforcements we needed.
Victus: Wreave kept his word, until the bomb, our bomb, exploded on Tuchanka as you may have heard.
Victus: And our civilian casualties have been far worse because of it. The Krogan lack... leadership.
Victus: But we still had support from the other Krogan clans. The female you saved rallied them. They were fearless to the last soldier.
Victus: Wreav kept his word, surprisingly enough. And the female Krogan you saved rallied the other clans. They were fearless to the last soldier.
Shepard: I'm surprised you're not back on Palvan.
Victus: I wanted to return the favor in person.
Shepard: Garrus said you pulled your fleet away from Palavan for this.
Shepard (surprised): Primarch Victus. I didn't realize you were here.
Victus: Good luck Commander.
Victus: May the spirits be with you
Victus: Commander.
Victus: Likewise.
Victus: Yet even then the Reapers were still too much. The only hope for my world now is victory here on Earth.
Victus: Urdnot Wreav was true to his word.
Victus: Urdnot Wrex was true to his word.
Victus: Wrex pulled out, the lying bastard. We never saw him again.
Victus: This war will be won or lost today. Here. On Earth, not Palavan.
Victus: He made our choice rather clear.
Victus: Yes, Commander.
Victus: And history will record that the Turian hierarchy stood among the brave.
Victus: Everything comes down to this moment.
Victus: As promised, we didn't forget where you live.
Victus: Though I'm sorry to see your world look as bad as ours.

More here, including a revelation that Joker was supposed to swoop in in the final mission to save the day:
I own the CE but I'm not going to play it til they get this mess figured out with the DLC and any additional fallout regarding the game.

Witcher 2 ftw!!:rock
Fans, ready to be even more disappointed/angry? A few crafty fans have dug through hidden audio files from the game and discovered dialogue that indicates that the final mission was supposed to be much grander in scope, possibly encompassing assigning reinforcements to different parts of Earth.

Seems like the game was rushed for release, and a ton of stuff was cut, including what was supposed to be a talk with a Geth Prime, Admiral Raan, and Primarch Victus on Earth:

More here, including a revelation that Joker was supposed to swoop in in the final mission to save the day:

some really interesting stuff in that thread!
Follow up comments in that article show that the quoted dialogue IS in the game, not cut. You just have to keep talking to Victus in the London FOB to get the rest. Stuff like the Prime dialogue is a contingency for the replacement of Tali (if she died in ME2 or ME3). I'm sure a lot of this found dialogue is to cover the absence of some characters, depending on how your previous games played out.

There's always three sides to the story; your side, their side and the truth.

What bothered me most about ME3 was the absence of the whole dark matter plotline they were building up in ME2. Apparently it was part of lead writer Drew Karpyshyn's plan for the big finale, but was dropped entirely when he left.
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I am determined to get high enough war assets without MP to get the "good" ending. So I am once again starting from the beginning. I think I may have it figured out.

Save Rachni Queen
Kill Wrex
Save Ashley and Kirrahe
Save Council

Do all loyalty missions and DLCs
Have a lot of mineral resources at the end - especially platinum
Destroy the genophage research
Rewrite Geth - because I will have a high enough paragon to not get Tali exiled from her fleet and settle the dispute between Tali and Legion I can have a few more Geth allies in ME3 when I broker peace between the Geth and Quarians
I'm still destroying Collector Base. You get 10 more points in your war assets if you don't...but I don't care...I can't save it. Hopefully I don't end up with 3990 or I will be pissed! :lol

With the above actions I should be able to get EVERYONE as allies. I won't get as much in Krogan assests with Eve dead...but I will get full Salarian support + Kirrahe and his fleet and keep Mordin alive and he will be an asset as well.

We will see if it works.....I think after I finish this last round, I may be done for awhile until this new DLC comes out.

I consider my first ME3 playthrough, my true one - just no way to get the "good" ending without MP or iPad games. And if this new DLC gives a different ending...or fleshes out the ending..or gives closure - I'm not sure how well that will work if my Sheperd died. :dunno I'm still hoping that it's all indoctrination there at the end...but who knows what direction Bioware will take.
To know how they're feeling you do.:lecture

I do know how they're feeling. I've been reading way more than I should about the situation concerning the ending since I have been considering paying good money for the CE.

Some people including possibly many within Bioware, defend Bioware saying that the ending is the visionary tale crafted by them. That it's their story to tell. The ending is their vision, their art, and ultimately it ends the way they want it to.

Most fans are upset because they have spent countless hours playing the game, making connections with the characters, and making decisions that they THOUGHT were going to impact the narrative in a big way. They felt that Bioware deceived them at the end by making all their monumental choices irrelevant. They feel that the story was created for them with THIER decisions which would result in THIER story with THEIR own individual ending. The ending , they believe, belongs to them based on what they've gone through for countless hours throughout the trilogy, and the way Bioware marketed the franchise in the first place.

So,.... um.... what's not to get? How is my analogy off base?
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Or Jen, you could have fun playing multiplayer for a couple hours and get a ton of readiness points?
Just started playing this game yesterday. Very impressed so far.

I was walking around the citadel docks and spotted a missing persons photo of the little boy who died in the prologue. Very cool detail.

I really like how bioware has gone to great lengths to create a more cinematic presentation. And there is quite a bit of detail.
I just beat the game this weekend and I liked the ending. Is it totally open-ended, crazy, and very different from other games? Yes. Do I like it that way? Yes. I'm happy that they didn't have a giant robot end boss and I'm happy they tried something different.

And for those that were surprised at the ending I feel like you weren't paying attention to the story. The whole of Mass Effect 3 was preparing you for what was to come and it did. In all honesty...

...if this game were real we would all have gotten our ***** kicked by the Reapers. I'm happy they at least let us survive as a universe.
I just beat the game this weekend and I liked the ending. Is it totally open-ended, crazy, and very different from other games? Yes. Do I like it that way? Yes. I'm happy that they didn't have a giant robot end boss and I'm happy they tried something different.

And for those that were surprised at the ending I feel like you weren't paying attention to the story. The whole of Mass Effect 3 was preparing you for what was to come and it did. In all honesty...

...if this game were real we would all have gotten our ***** kicked by the Reapers. I'm happy they at least let us survive as a universe.

Agreed. One thing you have to give them credit for (including the ending)... It definitely leaves a lot of room for analysis, speculation and debate. Much of it quite dark and unsettling. That's what good, cerebral Sci-Fi does. Maybe that's what they were shooting for... the mindf^* k ending that leaves you in an emotional and philosophical conundrum. I know that's not what many expected... or want... but if that's what BioWare set out to do then they definitely did it, probably more effectively than they hoped.
Hey Jen,

I invited you to an MP session on Sat. Just in case you were wondering who that was. It ended up being a good session, got my galactic readiness up to 100%
I'll definitely do some MP - I just want to get enough war assets with single player.....I mean that is how the game has always been and I will find a way to do it! :lol

The little I played of MP it was pretty fun. I always liked horde in Gears of War.

Thanks for the invite - I was right in the middle of going for a melee achievement and had completely surrounded myself with husks. :lol Then I forgot and quit playing shortly after. Next time though if I'm not right in the middle of a mission and can't save - I'll switch over and play some MP. :)
Agreed. One thing you have to give them credit for (including the ending)... It definitely leaves a lot of room for analysis, speculation and debate. Much of it quite dark and unsettling. That's what good, cerebral Sci-Fi does. Maybe that's what they were shooting for... the mindf^* k ending that leaves you in an emotional and philosophical conundrum. I know that's not what many expected... or want... but if that's what BioWare set out to do then they definitely did it, probably more effectively than they hoped.

My emotional conundrum is why Garrus and Javikk who were with me in the final push deserted me in my darkest hour to flee with Joker on the Normandy. Why Garrus?! We were going to go out in a big bang together. :( And Javikk - this was your purpose - beating the Reapers - and you run away. :mad:

So much for loyalty and they will follow you anywhere including a suicide run. :lol

And what fun Joker will have with Garrus and Javikk on that planet. :lol No women for any of them.
Yeah, if I'd say there was one plot hole it would be why my ground crew were magically on the Normandy and not on the ground fighting.
Your squad mates ending up back aboard the Normandy can be explained by reading some of the cut material in the link in the previous page. Joker was supposed to bring in the Normandy sometime during the final run on Earth. It could be reasoned that some of your squad would have boarded at that time. However, the leaked beta footage from last year clearly shows something else completely:

they die.

It's still a plot hole, but it's not a completely illogical one, since we don't know for certain how much time passes from the point of which Shepard enters the Citadel via the beam and when he actually wakes up.

But in the end all of that interpretation is left up to the player because Bioware was sloppy with the ending, which extends to the the entirety of it, not just that one plot hole.

The end, and generally, the whole story of ME3 seems to have congealed from many different ideas and pieces scattered from the previous two games rather than flowing naturally. You might like the ending for keeping in tone with ME3, but when held up to the overall structure of the entire series, it fails miserably.