Animations in DA: I were good, as was the whole game, so not sure what to make of all of this!
Yikes! Man I hope they don't screw this up!!!!!
There are no true reviews yet. Review embargo in place until Monday to prevent story spoilers.some feedbacks rolling in and they are not very good... I keep holding off buying it until more reviews coming in..
they currently luring with pre-order sales... what is never a good sign..
That's what happens when a decision studio is owned directly by a publisher more worried about profits.Ever since Bioware became part of the EA family, its like two steps ahead, two steps back, one step ahead..........I don't know if they are placed on a restrictive schedule or what, but yeah, what the....? Animations look pretty awful
since EA bought them I think their only misstep was Dragon Age 2, other than that ME2 was fantastic, ME3 was fantastic (except for the ending) DA:I was fantastic, so I don't think anything is on EA. But--most of the story team and leaders of their past games have left the company by now, few of the people that had a lot to do with past games are still working there.