Oh to go from playing HZD to this makes this game look and play like crap. Everything about HZD was jaw dropping, the characters, npcs, animations, gameplay, story and textures were all incredible.
Just picking out two things, the textures and animations, almost everyone you meet, talk to(even just for two or three lines) in HZD was well made and textured, they looked very life like and especially the eyes looked incredible, and the motion capture they did for some characters was impressive as well, very real looking. With MEA it feels like 10 years ago, very bad low res textures on faces, weird eye movements or just black eyes, it's shameful compared to todays best games.
That being said it's not all bad for MEA, I like it so far but it's far from good. HZD kinda plays like an RPG so it outshines this game by far. Also one minor thing for me is controlling the characters, it feels like I have to walk, run or sprint, there's no in between or variations on how fast you go based on how much you push your controller stick up, it irritates me and it feels less fluid, but ME was always like that so I just had to pick it back up but still wooden feeling.
Overall I'm disappointed. There's multiplayer and paid content so I think they spent more time on that when they probably should have scrapped it and tried to make a decent game, I have little to no faith in future games from Bioware or EA now and it's pushing me out of gaming. I will pay maximum $10-$20 for a game like this from now on