Masters of the Universe Classics

Collector Freaks Forum

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At around 12:15, when I still hadn't even seen the order page yet, I realized that we use IE here, so I had the little lady try to order through FF. She got through pretty much as soon as I called, but coincidentally I was able to get in and order before her through IE.
I have frickin Orko in my cart. I can't even get through my e-mail or password without it reloading on me....
Whaaaa?!! After 33 minutes of refresh hell, my order sailed right through!

Have faith, ye lads and lasses, there are still Orkos to be had!
Not for me it ain't.

same here...ugh


Refreshing at my will.
Hey, I had FF, IE, and an iPhone going all at the same time, and my iPad was the only one that got through. So that's gotta count for something.

Same here! I found iPad great for this!
On a seperate note, iPad rocked when showing my portfolio at SDCC. My print folio is now retired! :)

Orko is still available! Which is kinda weird actually!
Same here! I found iPad great for this!
On a seperate note, iPad rocked when showing my portfolio at SDCC. My print folio is now retired! :)

Any interest in doing art on your iPad? I've seen some sketches Jim Lee did using it. They turned out pretty well.