Masters of the Universe Classics

Collector Freaks Forum

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Why does it keep refreshing on me when I'm putting my information in to order though...The same screen keeps coming up every 5 seconds it seems, clearing out my info.
I'm here dooooo eeeeeeeeet, doooo eeeeeeeet NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

doooooooooo eeeeeeeet before it's too late. I'M HERE!!!!!
Woo hoo!! Don't knock Apple's products! Got through on my iPhone 4 while in Nursing lecture! Now to enjoy the rest of the lecture on trauma and burns. :yess:
Thanks Lerath. Ordered.


Refreshing at my will.
Who cares about freakin' Orko? I'm going for Plastic Man!

Oh, wait. Wrong thread.

thank you for that brother.....the refresh page is rediculous

Refresh stopped on my page ages ago, the "back door" didnt work for me when i tried to go on earlier didnt update with anything for ages.

The normal matty site worked no problem the second time i went in, right through to the payment accepted page.
does your guys orders say order submitted instead of order in process?
What program are you on?
I still see Orko for sale on Safari!

Don't go the Find My Order Route! I had my orders refunded last time on keldor!

Orko still up for sale!

I got an order confirmation and order is now in process