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that would require a quality control department. this line obviously doesn't have one or we wouldn't have 2 years worth of figures with loose ankles.

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I listen mate! It's a pretty cool podcast, I think there's a good mix of characters in there. Val as the main host seems pretty likeable but he can drone on a bit; Emiliano is like an Encyclopedia for Masters information (that guy is like scary knowledgable), Dan brings his PCN and Youtube fans and gets a bit of the insider gossip and then there's you. Well . . . I think the trepidation in Val's voice when he hands over to you explains it all, we never know what might happen. :lol

I refer to Emiliano as the MOTU authority. I do not think there is anyone knows more about MOTU than him. Many a late night him and I have sat up talking MOTU.
We got a mega cool interview up next podcast.

The American heathens will miss out! :pfft: :wink1:
that would require a quality control department. this line obviously doesn't have one or we wouldn't have 2 years worth of figures with loose ankles.

Helped out a buddy with a Orko and I didn't check Adam because he's at the bottom of the package sealed, well he was missing his extra head once he was opened. :monkey4
Just picked up an Orko and Adam from Kuzeh :duff

And sorry, I did forget about the Karate Kid figures... but even those were kind of crappy by 80's standards :monkey3 :lol

BTW, a bit off topic. But is the vintage Panthor figure the same sculpt as Battlecat? It looks like it from photos, but just wasn't sure.
Just picked up an Orko and Adam from Kuzeh :duff

And sorry, I did forget about the Karate Kid figures... but even those were kind of crappy by 80's standards :monkey3 :lol

BTW, a bit off topic. But is the vintage Panthor figure the same sculpt as Battlecat? It looks like it from photos, but just wasn't sure.

Yup, he was a flocked Battlecat. I remember he was a dark-ish gray color under the flock (my Panthor had started peeling a little after a while).
Aye, they are the same Big Jim tiger sculpt!

Nice... used twice and not even original; that is even better. The resuse in MOTU (and now replicated in MOTUC) is so classic and adds an extra bit of fun to the series.

So will there eventually be a Panthor from this series?
Well, if there is enough fan outcry, I'm sure there will be a flocked Panthor (at least an alternate flocked version).
I'm sure they had hoped to release panthor earlier but after the gaffe with mossman's flocking he went back to the drawing board. as for the helmet, was it confirmed that it was panthor's? did I miss something in concept art that panthor had a helmet like that? I know in his original sketches he had battle cat's armor in purple, and he was black.
I'm sure they had hoped to release panthor earlier but after the gaffe with mossman's flocking he went back to the drawing board. as for the helmet, was it confirmed that it was panthor's? did I miss something in concept art that panthor had a helmet like that? I know in his original sketches he had battle cat's armor in purple, and he was black.
i think the 4H confirmed that the helmet was a unique creation they made for panthor. however, knowing mattel, they will probably say that we weren't supposed to see that and they can't include it cuz it has too much of a 200x hyper anime style and that look is retired for now.
i finished up my skeletor staff recently. i left the shaft purple and painted the other parts gold.


So will there eventually be a Panthor from this series?

Yup, there's gonna be a Panthor. We were shown his supposed helmet at SDCC.
Don't think he will be flocked though.
Fixed. :wink1:

Actually it looks as though we may get both flocked and unflocked just not at the same time.

From Mattel's facebook page back in February:
Every year at SDCC we like to give the fans who make the special effort to come out to our fan panel a chance to vote on a detail in the line. At SDCC 2009 we asked fans if they wanted Panthor flocked or not flocked. By a vote of 60/40 (it was close!) fans did vote for unflocked.

We know there is a video of this panel out there (granted it does not show the whole room!) and a lot of fans insist the vote went the other way. But at the end of the day, it did not. It really did not matter to Mattel which way this vote went. It was all about rewarding the fans who came out to the panel with a way to affect the line. I still see a lot of fans spreading false information and insisting the vote went the other way. So lets end this one right now. The vote was for unflocked. It does not mean we won’t do a flocked version as well, but whether you agree with it or not, this is just how the vote went, period.
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Great post from an Org'er in relation to Toyguru's recent announcement on 200x and on the whining fans about 200x in the classics line.

I really wish you 200X guys would just accept what is. Since day one it was explained and has not changed. What is so hard to understand? You are getting 200X figures in this line. If you want 200X style then pull out your 200X collection and quit your *****ing. If you don't like it DON'T BUY IT. I'm not trying to troll but man it is getting so sickening listening to all the crybabies on here to the point you are being talked about and mocked on other toysite forums even. I believe everyone has a right to speak their mind but at the same time you got to accept that the line is made for all genres and not just 200X.