Freaked Out
I don't get the helmet, why add it now? And I am all for the absence of flocking.
I don't get the helmet, why add it now? And I am all for the absence of flocking.
Just a new touch. That's the best kind of update - the kind you can leave in the box if you prefer.
You didn't wear a helmet did ya?!
Being negative about a particular community is not the same as me saying I think a certain piece of art is crap.
You are attacking people, I am attacking an inanimate object.
Biiiiiiiiggg difference there as you can see.
Plus I am an artists who's work has been used on these figures so it stands to reason I would have a strong opinion.
And there we have the reasons why Teemu says the things he does.
You didn't like a perfectly resonable rule and thus sucks.
What are you? 8??
It's not just my opinion.
It already been pointed out by others that you do waffle on needlessly and further more some of those folks are my friends. Thus you are insulting my friends. Not something you want to do.
I really should be smart enough to just be able to ignore these things but it's kind hard to ignore Teemu's posts.
I for one will definitely be keeping the helmet on.
I always thought Panthor needed something to butt heads with Battle Cat!
I for one will definitely be keeping the helmet on.
I always thought Panthor needed something to butt heads with Battle Cat!
I for one will definitely be keeping the helmet on.
I always thought Panthor needed something to butt heads with Battle Cat!
True true, I like it and don't like it at the same time.It just seems weird to decide to ax the 200X stuff then come out of left field with it.
I like it, too. I do wish it encased his head a bit more - seems tojust balance on top.
I like that it's related to Skeletor's staff. I'm not familiar with the 200X Panthor, did he have a helmet? To Google...
I wonder what the Good Lord intended when he made Fisto....
You sir, have just cracked me the ____ up!
i don't get it.
people who associate Fisto with some weird-ass sexual fetish have issues. it's a guy with a giant armored hand used for smashing things. that is all.