Well, that's more like last year then...
Freaking Matty!!!
Freaking Matty!!!

Someone made a great sales pitch to have this line made (especially after the 200x series) and convinced Mattel that they would make money. Tom
I got to say,
I'm much more a reader than a poster, but I feel I must add my 2 cents.
Here goes, Yes Matty and DR can blow goats on many past issues but here's the truth.
I was checking out my collection last night and just couldn't help thinking wow! this is awesome. 8 years ago I would have drooled at the very site of my collection but never thought it would ever happen.
Just having these "toys" displayed for me and my children to enjoy is worth all the crap of quality control issues/availability problems etc.
In the end damn am I happy to own these! because to not would be worse than any problems we have all faced(believe me WE have all faced them). What's the alternative? to never of had any of these!?
All this fuss about a poorly run brand manager to Mattel not listening to real fan demand is garbage! please, why in the hell do you guys think this line was made in the first place? TO MAKE MONEY!
Someone made a great sales pitch to have this line made (especially after the 200x series) and convinced Mattel that they would make money. That is it! nostalgia/ the good old days doesn't mean squat to anyone except us. If this line dies now missing a lot of good characters being made, that will be the only lasting burn or sore spot for everyone not the petty issues that every toy brand struggles with.
that would be the true shame.
I got to say,
I'm much more a reader than a poster, but I feel I must add my 2 cents.
Here goes, Yes Matty and DR can blow goats on many past issues but here's the truth.
I was checking out my collection last night and just couldn't help thinking wow! this is awesome. 8 years ago I would have drooled at the very site of my collection but never thought it would ever happen.
Just having these "toys" displayed for me and my children to enjoy is worth all the crap of quality control issues/availability problems etc.
In the end damn am I happy to own these! because to not would be worse than any problems we have all faced(believe me WE have all faced them). What's the alternative? to never of had any of these!?
All this fuss about a poorly run brand manager to Mattel not listening to real fan demand is garbage! please, why in the hell do you guys think this line was made in the first place? TO MAKE MONEY!
Someone made a great sales pitch to have this line made (especially after the 200x series) and convinced Mattel that they would make money. That is it! nostalgia/ the good old days doesn't mean squat to anyone except us. If this line dies now missing a lot of good characters being made, that will be the only lasting burn or sore spot for everyone not the petty issues that every toy brand struggles with.
that would be the true shame.
I will say as awesome as the line is...its getting overcrowed and collector's are running out of Room to house so many figures this line has to offer.how long can this line really go?
after 2014,prices are going up...figure subs likely $27-28, day of $30
because 2014 is stronger,I just don't see 2015 happening
I had to think what would have happened if you'd of posted this on the org. Heads would have exploded. Well anyway, well said sir.
In the end damn am I happy to own these! because to not would be worse than any problems we have all faced(believe me WE have all faced them). What's the alternative? to never of had any of these!?
All this fuss about a poorly run brand manager to Mattel not listening to real fan demand is garbage! please, why in the hell do you guys think this line was made in the first place? TO MAKE MONEY!
Now, Scott's shenanigans don't affect the actual figures nearly as much. For that I'm grateful. After all that I know now, I know better than to assume Scott has anyone's interests other than his own in mind. .
Scott only has his own best interests in mind
1.He had two figures made of himself in the line
2.The Mighty Spector then ruining the MOTU story/Mytho's
3.He dictates who gets made first at the expense of what fans really want and then we have to pay for it (then to keep the line going)
4.He likes to steal idea's/designs from others and make it his own (I told you about that one)
5.He is Snarky and Rude at times as a PR,while being in charge of this line as just goes to his BIG head
as far as the line itself as toys,no arguement from me as this being one of the greatest action figures lines of the Decade and being the best MOTU we EVER gotten
1. No he didn't... The 4H sculpted Scott's face on one of the Palace Guards for fun... the fact that he later used his Spector design for the 30th sub, doesn't mean it's supposed to be him...![]()
The Mighty Spector bio clearly states that Lt. Spector and Mighty Spector are the same person.
I heard Scott requested his likeness... and who could forget Night-Lik?
1. No he didn't... The 4H sculpted Scott's face on one of the Palace Guards for fun... the fact that he later used his Spector design for the 30th sub, doesn't mean it's supposed to be him...
2. How exactly? The Bio's are just nonsense... there's not ONE MOTU Mythos anyway... most fans are either Filmation or Mini-Comics, or 200x or even partial to the Marvel or DC Comics.
3. Has just been the case with FFM and Nepthu... of course he has his favorites, but even fans are divided as who qualifies as a favorite, so most likely no matter who comes first, fans will disagree...
4. Which one?
5. I agree to some extent, but since the beginning of the line fans have been much, much worse towards him... I don't agree with his responses sometimes, but fans can bee really disrespectful and even offensive. He's OK in person... he does have a bit of a rockstar syndrome though...
I will say as awesome as the line is...its getting overcrowed and collector's are running out of Room to house so many figures this line has to offer.how long can this line really go?
after 2014,prices are going up...figure subs likely $27-28, day of $30
because 2014 is stronger,I just don't see 2015 happening
i dis agree. I think that if 2014 happens, and it's amazingly strong, this will bring people back in for a 2015 line.