1. No he didn't... The 4H sculpted Scott's face on one of the Palace Guards for fun... the fact that he later used his Spector design for the 30th sub, doesn't mean it's supposed to be him...
2. How exactly? The Bio's are just nonsense... there's not ONE MOTU Mythos anyway... most fans are either Filmation or Mini-Comics, or 200x or even partial to the Marvel or DC Comics.
3. Has just been the case with FFM and Nepthu... of course he has his favorites, but even fans are divided as who qualifies as a favorite, so most likely no matter who comes first, fans will disagree...
4. Which one?
5. I agree to some extent, but since the beginning of the line fans have been much, much worse towards him... I don't agree with his responses sometimes, but fans can bee really disrespectful and even offensive. He's OK in person... he does have a bit of a rockstar syndrome though...
More co ockstar than rockstar that fella.