2014 SDCC exclusive, WILL be Gwildor. TG tells us this in the recent podcast. just gotta listen and pay attention.

2014 SDCC exclusive, WILL be Gwildor. TG tells us this in the recent podcast. just gotta listen and pay attention.
2014 SDCC exclusive, WILL be Gwildor. TG tells us this in the recent podcast. just gotta listen and pay attention.
highly likely
They never released Eldor, King Miro, and Queen Veena... there's still some characters that are important tot he canon, that haven't even been hinted at.
Really? Can you provide a quote?
Hey Teemu, you have some type of connections or something?
I've noticed whenever you post rumored figures on the board most
of the time they pan out. Just curious.
" if 2014 and 2015 subs BOTH go through, we will have made figures for EVERY VINTAGE He-MAN figure that was released. if you think about that, that means i just told you EVERY FIGURE in the next two years. Blade, Saurod and Gwidor for example. Two of them are slated for 2014, the other one is in the 2015 sub. There are two snake men left. one is in 2014, the other is in 2015"
we already know blade is 2014 from seeing his sword at SDCC. he said " two of them are slated for 2014" not two of them are in the 2014 sub.
Reading between the lines some here, but generaly "niche characters" like Gwidor are SDCC figures.
2014 SDCC exclusive, WILL be Gwildor. TG tells us this in the recent podcast. just gotta listen and pay attention.
Is he small enough to toss in another figure, like Orko?
I agree with this
and the 2014 Snakeman is Tung Lashor
Extendar will be in 2014
Well, after being on the fence for the past couple of weeks, I finally subbed up again. Again. After I vowed I wouldn't... again.I must say, I'm a lot happier about this years sub than I was about last year. Last year I felt forced to buy a sub, this year I wanted to buy a sub... makes a big difference when there are figures being made that I actually want.
teemu, any other ladies planned that you may know of, besides mermista, scorpia, and angella?
those 3 plus Glimmer would be in the regular months....unless the $38 slots are POP,then that is it
the $38 slots could be deluxe full tooled type figures (which may contain Madame Razz with Broom) or beast slots like Stridor and Night Stalker which I think is the case
oh ok. mermista is my fav so at least we get her. but i was wondering about that one girl...whats her name spinerella??? and then the other woman who's dress/outfit looks like a flower (i forgot her name) i know almost all the names of the pop characters...but her's slips my mind.
you're asking the wrong person when it comes to POP stuff
thanks for the link, but if those other women you said are the only ones for next year...then I guess ill have to do without those other 2. I collect a lot of the motuc figures.....but I have to say I love the pop girls cause I find it sooooo interesting how they can make them look so good! meaning that the original ones were dolls but the new ones actually transfer in to action figures pretty well! its always exciting to see how they can transform a doll into an "action" figure. that's why Im super excited for mermista.