who cares its he-man.org
it will be dead again in a year or two when the line ends
I know, I went overboard because I seriously cannot fathom anyone defending their actions... but whatever...
They got some pull with the mods, I guess...
Probably because BRCDuke was one of those complaining during the session.
I wouldn't call what they did heckling exactly. It was more like an airing of grievances, which is kind of a buzzkill, but not entirely inappropriate for a Q&A. If I'm right and BRCDuke's question was regarding the dumpy crotch, then he could have actually done the figure a service as they still might be able to change it in time before production.
This whole thing in retrospect is an amazing feat. A 6-year MOTU toyline. For me it's easy to understand that there's going to be a fair amount of baggage in the complaint department by now so as much as it might have been embarrassing for all involved, TG and company are big boys and should be counted on to take this kind of thing in stride. If not, they are in the wrong business.![]()
Actually,Toyguru just answered that Glimmer is too late to fix,but will start the fix with Scorpia
Again, it's fine if you have opinions on what things should be fixed...
A- Do not assume you represent ALL of us when saying so
B- Don't be a jerk and ruin the panel for those around you
C- Yelling at panelists is disrespectful and embarrassing, specially when we're talking about toys...
In any case... it's done, those jerks won't get my support, besides, knowing that bcrduke is a known snitch, doesn't surprise me that he has zero respect for other people...
That would be the point where if I was TG, I'd say "there's no need to yell and if you persist, I'll have security escort you out."
Duke is a snitch? In what capacity, his leaks from MOTUC's version of Deep Throat or something more involved?
Supposedly he know people at Mattel... TG isn't happy that sometimes things leak, and he might be the culprit. So it's even more disrespectful IMO that besides leaking info, he even has the nerve to confront TG... what an a-hole seriously...
My favorite part was when Toyguru told them "have you read the Mini comics?" and that "it's anyone's Castle"...and he is Right on!
Who knows... he was with a woman that looked like her grandma...
I was at 3 panels where the kid kept interrupting the panelists. I think it's cool that he's passionate and knowledgable but yep... parents were nowhere to be found...