Masters of the Universe Classics

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Yep FedEx…Honestly, any additional figures after Two-Bad and Modulok are C and D-listers in my book…

Here's what's left…

The Masters/Heroic Warriors
Rio Blast

Evil Warriors
Blast Attak

The Evil Horde

The Snake Men
Tung Lashor

Except from Rio Blast, Ninjor, Lashor and Squeeze… I don't need any of the remaining guys tbh...

only care about Rio,Ninjor,Tung Lashor,Dragstor from that list...Though I will buy Mermista (because she is unique),Lodar,Prahvus,Lizard Man,General Sunder
I look forward to Dragstor mainly due to him being Horde as well as any theoretical other Horde they do that never had figures. I wouldn't buy Entrapa though as nothing about her says "Horde".

I also hope Tung Lashor comes with Horde armor but I would be shocked if he did.
Well it appears that we will be experiencing this paint app issue throughout the year. Not just with Blade, but now Two Bad's shield does not have paint apps. With figures such as Modulok, Extendar, and NA Skeletor, which all have a lot of paint detail, expect there to be paint app cuts moving forward. What bothers me the most is not necessarily that I am paying almost $40 to have to finish painting the figures, but that we don't find out about these cuts until we receive the figures or someone posts an in hand image. Why can't Mattel give us a heads up and a direct explanation? I really feel like they have killed any possibility of 2015 happening.
Well it appears that we will be experiencing this paint app issue throughout the year. Not just with Blade, but now Two Bad's shield does not have paint apps. With figures such as Modulok, Extendar, and NA Skeletor, which all have a lot of paint detail, expect there to be paint app cuts moving forward. What bothers me the most is not necessarily that I am paying almost $40 to have to finish painting the figures, but that we don't find out about these cuts until we receive the figures or someone posts an in hand image. Why can't Mattel give us a heads up and a direct explanation? I really feel like they have killed any possibility of 2015 happening.

Toyguru will never tell us that paint apps were cut,but will only make excuses for them of why they are not there.We were told the price increase was so there wouldn't be any paint apps decreased...and so,Scott lies again....just take one look at Blade's Swords if you need an example

Now,they expect to raise the prices (again) for 2015 while promising the same type of level and quality.Who knows if the price increase will be $2 or5.I honestly don't see a full year happening in '15.I am reading ALOT of posts of people calling it (sub) quits after this year.Tired of paying $40 a figure,tired of the inflated shipping prices,tired of dealing with DR,tired of double speak from Scott,and just tired of paying for figures they don't really want..

I know I am out of the Sub after this year,my local friend is too (3 subs lost right there).How many others are following? after getting Two-bad,Modulok,it's sounds like quite alot....and those folks who think that POP can carry this line are delusional.
The 2015 Sub sales begin! (Sorry,Scott,but I'm out...2014 is no different than any other year,and even you admit its 50-50 of characters we might not like)

He-Fans and She-Ravers,

Happy New Year, everyone! And welcome to the top of another exciting year collecting Masters of the Universe Classics on!

Here at the top of 2014 is a very interesting point in the line to take a moment and pause for reflection. Not only on where we have been, but on where we are going as well. We are now into our sixth year of the line (I know we had three releases in 2008, but 2009 was really the first full year). It has been a long and amazing ride. Never in my wildest imagination did I think we would get this deep into the line (almost to our 150th figure!) nor did I think I would have the privilege and honor of getting to head-up the line for this long. Truly a personal dream come true as a toy collector and MOTU fan myself!

As we enter 2014, we are clearly at a turning point for MOTUC. No longer are we looking up a big mountain wondering where the peak will be, but rather it is now the point where we are looking down the other side, celebrating the victory of making the MOTUC Castle Grayskull happen (that was all you guys, you know!) as well as the roadmap to “complete the line.”

Some longtime fans know that MOTUC was originally created and always had the intent of being the most all-inclusive MOTU line possible, incorporating characters from the widest variety of source material - from vintage toys to Filmation and mini comics. All sculpted and designed around the same “buck” (or shared part) system to create one unified universal look for all characters. When we kicked off the line back in 2007-2009, a long term roadmap was created that spread out the releases over many years to ensure that each year had a robust selection and we did not burn through too many hot characters too quickly, leaving far out (at the time) years like 2013 and 2014 with very little to offer.

This initial strategy has paid off very well helping to ensure recent years still contained huge fan-demanded characters like Ram Man and Horde Troopers, all deliberately held back for these years to keep the line fresh and hot.

But the inevitable happened and the cost to produce these figures slowly crept up, to the point that in 2013 we finally had to accept a price increase. Along with this, we heard fans loud and clear that the robust nature of the line was getting a little too robust and under the new higher prices more obscure characters like the Fighting Foe Men or Karatii might not be what most fans wanted.

And we listened to you!

As promised back in 2012 when the 2013 sub was sold, we reworked the original roadmap (which stretched out to 2017/2018) and combined the last few years into two “final” years that would be needed to complete all of the vintage MOTU, POP and A-list most fan-demanded figures from other lines such as NA, 200X, Filmation, mini comics etc. We dropped a lot of the “filler” figures and focused on getting the most demanded figures out there before prices rose to the point that it would cost more to make the figure than fans were willing to pay.

So that brings us to 2014…the first year of the “new roadmap.” I’m pretty confident that I can say we held true to our promise. With 60-70% of 2014 already revealed, I haven’t seen much chatter that the figures revealed thus far are “off the map” and new strategy. One of the more “frustrating” things about working in the toy industry is that it takes 12-16 months for any changes to happen. This meant even when we promised fans a new roadmap during SDCC 2012, it still meant 2013 had to be produced under the original road map/strategy of offering the most robust character selection possible. So there were still a few tail-end obscure characters that made it out in 2013.

That all finally changes!

Now we are finally at 2014, just days away from the first “revised roadmap” figure, Two-Bad , shipping to subscribers. Our goal for the next two years is to crank out all of the remaining MIA characters to ensure the vintage roadmap is complete by the end of 2015. As promised in 2012, we are keeping prices flat in 2014 to the 2013 prices, but it is likely come 2015 there will be a very small price increase (in comparison to the large price increase we had in 2013). But they key takeaway is that in order to deliver on fan expectations to complete the new revised roadmap, we need all the SKUs and slots we can get in both 2014 and 2015. Without a 2015 line, we will be a little short.

That being said, a TON of work from Mattel design, marketing and the Four Horsemen went into crafting 2014 and 2015. Both years add up to be two sides of the same coin. Half of the remaining figures will be offered in 2014 and the other half will be in 2015, should we hit the minimum quota to get a 2015 sub.

There are always going to be personal favorites who may not make the list (Filmation alone has hundreds of characters we have not gotten to!) but once all of 2014 and 2015 are announced and sold, I think for the most part fans will look at the two year line-up and be hard pressed to say “that figure/character should not have been released in lieu of this other one” (i.e., are we not going to release Rio Blast so we can do the Guy in Yellow shorts playing tug of war in the mini-comics? I don’t think so!).

This does not mean in any way 2015 is guaranteed to be the last year of Classics. But standing at the top of 2014, I do feel we are clearly looking down a mountain and not up one. For the most part, fans should have a good idea of who is coming in the next 24 months (just look at the vintage lines and see who has yet to be released!). But in order to pull this off and ensure MOTUC truly reaches its end-goal and full potential, we’ll need your help.

The 2015 sub buy-in is only seven months away and we will truly need full support to make this final year happen. Let’s not lose steam now and let a few figs remain in limbo. Mattel and the whole team want nothing more than to go out on a high note. So as we head into 2014 and into the revised roadmap that is here at last, let’s not lose sight of the importance of supporting the 2015 sub. We can only make these figures when we have an audience to buy them. And this line has always been by fans, for fans, driven by fan purchases.

This deep into the line, we are definitely hitting what I call 50% territory. There are a lot of figs set for the next 24 months that about 50% of fans love and 50% might be able to do without. Some POP fans want nothing to do with NA and the same the other way around. I see Madame Razz, for example, getting a lot of “I want her!” posts and just as many “please don’t make her!” posts.

But just as with the diversity of MOTU itself, finishing off this line will take all of us coming together. As an example, POP fans need to support NA figs to get their POP collection finished, and NA fans need to support POP figures to get their NA MIA figs made. I know this may mean not every figure will be for every fan. But this line is truly about coming together. If we all support the next two years, we all win. Should any one “sub” group of fans choose to bail, it will only hurt the chances of making us all happy.

So as we enter 2014, let’s unite. Let’s unite as a fan base and show the whole toy collecting world that there are no fans like MOTU fans. Together we can all make this happen. We have 24 months to go to lock this up. No fatigue now. Not the time to bail.

MOTUC has the very real potential of making EVERY figure from the vintage MOTU and POP lines, as well as A-list characters from other cannons and media. We can make this happen. We are so close now, it is not time to lose steam! It will take all of us supporting all of the figures to make every fan happy. The MOTU fan base in unlike any other toy or brand fan group. We support diversity and work together. When we started this line, we all thought it would be cool to get to six figures and an SDCC item. Now we are standing at an unprecedented point about to make the final leap.

The revised roadmap is finally here. All 2013 figures were part of the old strategy and the old roadmap. It is an all new ball game starting with Two Bad, Glimmer and Hydron this quarter. We have a few surprises left, and again, it does not mean 2015 is THE END. As long as we have support we would love to keep this going. But we do have a clear roadmap for the next two years. This is the time to be more excited than ever. We are so close to achieving a rarely accomplished goal in toy collecting – modern interpretations of EVERY vintage fig.

And one last thing to consider, as we head into 2014 and by Grayskull hoping we get to 2015, fans are going to get A LOT more value in their figures. The characters we have left, for a good part, have a lot more tooling needed. Giant wings, backpacks, tails, and a ton of new parts. If you compare 2014 and 2015 to what we offered in 2009, price value, figure to figure, fans are going to be getting a ton more. Zodac was a new head, armor and gun, Extendar is almost fully tooled and comes with a ton of accessories. 2014 and 2015 will be well worth the price of admission!

I couldn’t be more excited for the next two years and I am so glad to share this experience with all of you. Like we did for the Castle, together we can make this happen. It is all in your hands.

Good Journey!

Toyguru Scott Neitlich
More Toyguru

Now that we've seen the production version of Blade, and his namesake weapons are BOTH missing vital paint applications, and folks are receiving Two Bad- whose shield is just cast in orange plastic but with no highlights- is it safe to assume that in 2014 we're going to be seeing more accessories missing their paint applications? The characters we're seeing in 2014 are some of fans' most wanted and so long-awaited. To completely cut the paint apps on their accessories- it really cheapens what should be a 100% great product that we've waited so very long for.

answer-Due to the subscription nature of the line and the pre buy commitment we can't change the SRP figure to figure to account for the varying cost figure to figure.

To help manage expectations, almost every figure, I'd say 90%+ have been cost reduced in some way. Sometimes it creats a storm online, other times (most of the time) no one notices. One figure who was cost reduced (deco wise) more than any other was Fisto. And I don't recall any issue with this.

I wish we could deliver exactly what fans see in a hand painted non articulated sculpt prototype. But through the course of the toy making process (and the constantly rising costs) figures are and will continue to change from the prototype to the final product. I wish it sounded more poetic, but I have learned over the years it is better to accept this rather than ignore it as a factor and then get upset when it happens.

so in other words- you take what we give you and you like it!

We Want Snake Mountain, Stridor/Night Stalker, Talon Fighter and Point Dredd, Roton, and the back half of the Battle Ram.

Make it happen, Scott. You got this.

Answer-Here is the deal. While the castle was
A big success, it essentially doubled the workload for everyone involved from the Horsemen to me to the vendors. It was literally a full years worth of work. No one's salary was doubled and we didn't make double the annual revenue. We are all literally recovering from this. It was exhausting. Imagine whatever you do for a living and imagine doing your workload twice. Not exactly something we can so year on year.

That being said, we are so glad we did it. It was a work of passion, the fans proved they would support it, and it went off without a hitch (give or take needing to update an address twice for some, and again sorry for this!).

At the end of the day, it is unlikely another Epic Creations sku will happen. Although as I have always said, things in the toy industry change all the time. I thought it would take a movie year for the castle and we did it without.

Anything could happen, but to manage expectations there are no plans for more playsets, big or small right now.

Castles and Windraiders are available. Both are one heck of a toy!

So forget the idea of getting anymore playsets...Snake Mountain is not happening unless Toyguru gets his salary doubled ;)
Back from my trip and happy to discover that my 2014 sub did indeed go through despite those emails saying it would not!

Bring on Two Bad! This thing about cutting corners in 2014 I something I really wish i was wrong about. :(
Back from my trip and happy to discover that my 2014 sub did indeed go through despite those emails saying it would not!

Bring on Two Bad! This thing about cutting corners in 2014 I something I really wish i was wrong about. :(

If this corner cutting continues throughout 2014 will it weigh on your decision to sub for 2015?
Back from my trip and happy to discover that my 2014 sub did indeed go through despite those emails saying it would not!

Bring on Two Bad! This thing about cutting corners in 2014 I something I really wish i was wrong about. :(

Dude! While you were on vacation all hell broke loose due to the latest RGD and Emiliano and Val are at it again… :horror:
Dude! While you were on vacation all hell broke loose due to the latest RGD and Emiliano and Val are at it again… :horror:

Yeah I have just been catching up.

If this corner cutting continues throughout 2014 will it weigh on your decision to sub for 2015?

I really don't know. it probably should though.
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That's BS, he's out of town on vacation…
I wonder if either Eamon or JonWes can clarify what's going on?…

Due to Val making unreasonable changes to the time when we record, it gave me the impression I was no longer wanted on the Roast Gooble Dinner podcast.
This was then confirmed when I was informed the latest recording was made with out my knowledge. The podcast was also going in a direction I was not comfortable with. I will no longer be on’s Roast Gooble Dinner. I really enjoyed my time on there and have lots of fond memories. Twas mighty ‘craic’! :)
Sorry for the dumb question, but what is the problem with the .org? I am a member there for years but when the stactions were cancelled I stopped posting there. Still reading a little in the customs section though. Just out of coriousity why has everybody outside the .org an issue with them?
To go back to some of the quotes on the previous page… I still can't believe that ToyGuru is allowed to say the kind of **** he does. Did he really just say his job is too hard and he should be paid twice as much… in an official public press release? That's the sort of thing that sometimes gets people fired.
To go back to some of the quotes on the previous page… I still can't believe that ToyGuru is allowed to say the kind of **** he does. Did he really just say his job is too hard and he should be paid twice as much… in an official public press release? That's the sort of thing that sometimes gets people fired.

yep he did! Even though successful,making castle grayskull was exhausting and took too many (UNPAID) hours to forget ever getting Snake Mountain because it's just too much work unless they charge $600 for it to help pay for the double the work ;)
There's no such thing as unpaid hours when you're a salaried employee. It comes with the territory. In the past few months I have worked more than a few 80+ weeks. Teachers, at least the ones I know very very often work around 60 hours a week and only technically get paid for I believe 35 hours.

Sometimes you have to work harder than other times. To complain about having to work too hard when you're also supposed to be doing a job you "love" is ridiculous, especially to do it publicly as part of an official statement.