Masters of the Universe Classics

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I stopped buying pretty much after the first sub year, which ever the Wonderbread He-Man was. So I didn't really have much, and it was easier to say forget it and start letting them go. Still havent' been able to get rid of some either, although I am staying with at least He-Man and Skeletor. That said, if I was a few more years into the line, I'd probably hold on to them.
I am really thinking about parting woth my lose collection. Being all in since day 1 I have simply lost interest. Maybe it is just too much after 5 years. MOTUC is now at its peak. However the general enthusiasm seems to slow down a little. Anything from here the figures will lose in value.
What do you guys think? Sell or keep? :dunno

I have to say that my enthusiasm is a little fried too of late. I got four figures this week and only one I actually want and is an actual MOTU character. Madam Razz, Double Trouble and Entrapa are really not doing it for me at all.
I hope it will perk up when the Battle Ram gets here.

We had a UK MOTU Con last weekend in the town that I live and we got a great bunch of samples. Had a chance to play with the Battle Ram and it's amazing.

For me there's not much left that I even want. I have been a mostly all horde collector since the beginning. I got Entrapta off eBay for less than I would have paid from Matty (I totally spaced on buying her on sale day). For the rest of the year there's nothing I'm for sure getting. I /might/ get Tung Lashor. That's a big might though. He's only /kinda/ Horde. I'd want to get Horde armor for him and I don't even know if I'm up for doing that.

As far as possible characters left? Pretty much just Dragstor. Multibot I have very little interest in. He already doesn't look amazing and I can only imagine he's going to look worse when released.
I need... new/ modern stuff. i want to see them break away from the vintage chains. Bring me some 200x redesigns, or new ideas that fit with the aestetic. Hell, I'
ll even take dare, son of He-man.
For me there's not much left that I even want. I have been a mostly all horde collector since the beginning. I got Entrapta off eBay for less than I would have paid from Matty (I totally spaced on buying her on sale day). For the rest of the year there's nothing I'm for sure getting. I /might/ get Tung Lashor. That's a big might though. He's only /kinda/ Horde. I'd want to get Horde armor for him and I don't even know if I'm up for doing that.

As far as possible characters left? Pretty much just Dragstor. Multibot I have very little interest in. He already doesn't look amazing and I can only imagine he's going to look worse when released.

Tung Lashor is coming with a Horde armband
I have to say that my enthusiasm is a little fried too of late. I got four figures this week and only one I actually want and is an actual MOTU character. Madam Razz, Double Trouble and Entrapa are really not doing it for me at all.
I hope it will perk up when the Battle Ram gets here.

We had a UK MOTU Con last weekend in the town that I live and we got a great bunch of samples. Had a chance to play with the Battle Ram and it's amazing.


Thats exactly the problem for me. With all those figures that I dont want + the ones that I really wanted but they fu(ked up like fat NA Skeletor. I alawys hoped for the hype comming back but somehow it doesnt give me kick anymore. Just too many dump pieces. :dunno
Guess i'm the only one here who likes squeeze then; yeah he's cheesy and ridiculous looking but that's been the entire point of the line for me so far. And as someone who's never owned any of the original figures every release is "new" to me.

No, I like him too, though swappable arms WOULD have been better...

I am really thinking about parting woth my lose collection. Being all in since day 1 I have simply lost interest. Maybe it is just too much after 5 years. MOTUC is now at its peak. However the general enthusiasm seems to slow down a little. Anything from here the figures will lose in value.
What do you guys think? Sell or keep? :dunno

Keep it, but refocus. Sell off the fat.
The good news is he can't mess up the upcoming MOTU Movie and we hopefully won't see that DARE- son of He-Man crap
Never been a fan of his personal ideas, but I highly appreciate the work he put into the line. MOTUC will die without him which is fine with me. Good luck for your future Scott!

Anybody know where he is going to?


they will probably try a MOTU 2016 line but I doubt it will happen and probably be scrapped
I'll be sad to see him go. I wasn't a fan of all the decisions he made, but he was instrumental in bringing MOTU toys back to Mattel. His passion for the line is something that I believe helped keep it going. I'm not so sure there is anyone else at Mattel who will work as hard to keep the brand at the forefront and I wonder if Matty Collector's days are numbered without Scott to push new product out there. This run of 6" DC figures and MOTUC has been incredible and I would also point to JLU going on for a couple years after the line died at retail. I credit Scott, Mattel, and the Four Horsemen for their collaboration and involvement in keeping these collector lines going so long.
I honestly feel he was scape goated way too much for stuff he had little or no control over.
He was a self promoter, a real career man, who for awhile served the interests of the MOTU properties as long as they served his own. Now that MattyCollector is looking at a long period of instability post MOTUC, Neitlich has wisely taken his exit to keep the career going. He comes off as a smart and friendly guy, but somewhat less than genuine and more than a little underhanded behind the scenes. No sense in adding drama where it isn't warranted; I wouldn't have expected anything more or less from him.

MOTUC was fortunate to have a power player like him in the mix, but the MOTU fandom took a major hit with the power plays he pulled on the folks behind the Power and Honor Foundation as well as Emiliano.
I find it interesting now that he is leaving,while he brought MOTU Classics into existence,people seem to forget the lies and double speak he told over
the years,the quality control issues,bad customer service and his BIG EGO to top it off.....He is a SALESMAN first (Collector Last) and people saw through that.Plus, the things that have gone on behind the scenes that very few know about and the relationships that were destroyed from that.Not everything is just so Rosie posey here.

My main concern now is getting the figures we are promised in 2015 with no issues so then we can call it a day with this line after 2015.There is no way folks will support a 2016 Sub line with prices going up again and less desired characters.