Super Freak
I don't have a POP sub, but for Club Eternia the November figures were Tung Lashor & Arrow, and December figures were Mermista & Gwildor.
This website is keeping track of all the past and future dates:
the line's demise starts this year...after 15,I don't see a full 2016 line other than what is revealed at SDCC....2015 barely made it,there is no way 2016 will go through with Neitlich's son of he-man lineup,New adventures and starburst She-ra as variants
There are more figures worth getting like Lodar,Masque (which we'll probably see in '16),but not enough to carry a full subscription purchase
How about you reserve judgement until we actually see what's coming...
So i see people's subscriptions getting cancelled due to card info not working. How can DR cancel subs if when you purchase them they don't allow you to cancel?
And if this is the way to get cancelled without penalty, couldn't I just change my card info around and have DR stop sending me figures due to incorrect billing and be off the hook for it?
well based on the MANY "Collector Forums"...I am reading quite ALOT of folks bowing out after 2015 (as far as the Sub goes).Prices,taxes,shipping and character selection and people really running out of room to display these are making folks to really start thinking twice....2015 barely make it at 100.3%......With all the vintage characters done after this year,what makes you think the 2016 sub will have the same success?
Having DARE being in 2015 to end the year certainly doesn't help either
Can Lodar,Dylamug,Neitlich's Son of He-Man crap,Masque,CAC characters,NA figures carry the rest of the way? I highly doubt it.The picking begins in '16
You don't know what's coming in 2016, you don't even know for sure if Dare is coming in 2015, or what he will look like. I dunno, unless you have some sort of insider information, I browse the forums too.
I'm not saying 2016 will make it for sure, I'm just saying that you don't know if it will be worth it or not without seeing what they come up with. You know nothing, but you act like you know everything, and you're jumping to conclusions. The Four Horsemen have been making amazing figures for 6 years in this line, even from concepts some people didn't like, give them some credit. Let's see what they have to offer before jumping to conclusions.
Scott Neitlich hinted that Dare may be in 2015 on Roast gooble.DARE looks like a repainted NA He-Man,So I know what he looks like.He is LAME as it gets.
I do know what is coming (Son of He-man crap with other MOTU media) unless Mattel changes Scott Neitlich's 2016 Roadmap
I do get inside info from time to time as I have been often right on my guesses.I happen to "know" and been following the line since the beginning
It's easy to say who will be in 2016 because you can look at who is left from Filmation,CAC,New Adventures,Son of He-Man and Mini Comics....Vintage MOTU and POP (except variants) will be done after this year.If you are okay with any of those,then feel free to sub up..but enjoy that Starburst She-ra
The 2015 sub barely made it...people are tired of buying crap they don't really want as the Vintage MOTU is complete this year.Unless they want to keep buying obscure characters at $40+ a figure(we are kinda already there),there is no way they'll get enough subscribers to keep it going...Watch and see
I heard that episode of RGD. Hinted doesn't mean confirmed. And you don't even know what he would look like as a figure. Dare has has had at least two different looks in He-Man lore. We've all seen the MOTUC mini comic look, but there could be a lot more to him than that. If he's even in 2015.
You obviously don't know anything. You're jumping to conclusions and posting immature nonsense. All you've heard is rumors, same as most people. You seem to have made up your mind about 2016 without seeing anything, which is fine, I suppose, but don't act like you know what's going to happen. We don't know what 2016 will look like, likely they will not have as many items if they do a subscription, so not as many people will be required to subscribe (if they even choose to do a subscription model).
Also, if you dislike the potential upcoming figures, why even bother posting in this thread? Have you ever thought that maybe some people LIKE buying obscure characters? There's nothing wrong with Filmation, NA, concept, mini-comic, etc characters. Some people are very excited for these and have been waiting YEARS for them. Some people are super excited about Starburst She-Ra, even.
So far, the Horsemen have done an awesome job making obscure and/or unpopular concepts into figures. They've even made a lot of people into NA fans. To some, they just want to see what the Horsemen come up with, no matter what the subject. If you don't like where the line is going, maybe it's time for you to go somewhere else?
Hey Noob...look at my guess History here...I have been RIGHT quite often before......
I've seen the DARE artwork and all he is a NA HE-man,with a ponytail basically wearing the same outfit (but different colors)
When did I say I disliked ALL upcoming figures or possible 2016 figures?? there are more figures I want like Lodar,Dylamug,Major Header etc,but the character selection will no way be as good as previous years.Yes there are a select group of people who want MORE Filmation,Mini,concepts etc, but it won't be enough to make a FULL sub happen this time.
Also,I am here to stay (been here waaaay longer than you).I have bought every Sub since the beginning,I post info here,I posted news here,pictures,my customs for YEARS here,so I am entitled to my opinion and what I see going on with this line...so why don't you go elsewhere if you don't like it?
LOL, did you seriously just call me a "noob"?Wow, just wow. I don't even know how to respond to that.
If you've been around as long as you claim, you should know you're flat out wrong, there's also been this concept seen for Dare:
I've seen you posting for quite a while.You are definitely entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to make baseless, overblown, or false claims as to what everyone else's opinion is, and where the line is going, and not get called out on it.
It seems like you are a bit burnt out on this line. All I see you post is negative nonsense. It definitely seems like it's time for you to take a break.
Yeah, the 2015 line just barely got by and that's because they opened up subscriptions for a little longer since it was around 90% after the last day. Without Scott pimping MOTUC and no vintage figures to drive sales, I really don't see them hitting 100% next year. Fewer items with a lower total price would help, but each of the last 3-4 years has seen sharp declines in subscriptions. Like JonWes, I would be happy to get some of the items they show at SDCC later this year but don't expect anything beyond that.
funny how few people think that leading the Sub with "Son of He-man" crap is going to sell in 2016.