Super Freak
The Teela figure is terrible. It's warped and and the paint is not good. It's the worst figure made by Mattel in my opinion.
That's not just an opinion but pretty much a fact at this point. I just cannot imagine why people are defending this figure. If they can let this figure get to the production stage it makes me think what else will Mattel let slip through.
Probably pointless posting this here but just in case...., Rainbow Cinemas and Commissionaires – Great Lakes are working together to coordinate a toy drive for the children of SYRIAN REFUGEE FAMALIES. As part of Canada’s commitment to accept 25,000 Syrian refugees, Ontario is welcoming a number of refugee families — many of whom have young children. This special screening of the 1987 Masters of the Universe movie is doubling as a Toy Drive to offer toys to Syrian Refugee families. Attendees are encouraged to bring a new stuffed animal, boardgame, or toy to donate to the drive. I was very happy to be asked to provide a new lobby poster (a revision of one I did before). So if you happen to be in Taronto on Wednesday, January 13 at 9:30 p.m. go see He-Man on the big screen as god knows when we will see him again, Tickets only $6! Good Journey.
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That's a great movie poster and a great cause.
MOTU is a pretty tough movie. Properbly the most difficult from all those 80s franchises due to all this sword & sorcery stuff. The 80s movie showed them how to not make it. It wasnt all bad, but the removed so much of the orginal story that it could habe been pretty much every other space invader franchise. But it also had gret parts (Skeletor for example).
A new MOTU movie must take place on Eternia. I really dont want it to be some stupid GOT copy. Id rather prefer a LOTR style. Give me 3 parts. Part 1 would be the beginning 200X based. Part 2 will feature the Snakemen and the return of Skeletor. Part 3 Ultimate Battleground. If the movies are succesfull you can always add another movie such as SW E1-3 featuring the story of Randor and Keldor or a She-Ra spinnoff...
Anyway... Wont happen...![]()
Well the good news is that it's being reported that McG is looking the 200x cartoon as a reference. This is a good thing but we must mention the earth connection with Marlena Glenn.
I always felt the movie should open up with Marlena Glen crash landing on a funky weird planet and then have her as the reference point or narrator.
The Transformers movies were terrible. The GIJOE movies were terrible. Pretty much every other movie based on old toy lines has been terrible.
A Masters of the Universe movie WILL BE TERRIBLE. I think the original Cannon film is pretty good though.