As much as I want to keep talking about how awesome Panthor is...
I just have to say one thing. I don't have a problem with "whiners", I don't like name-calling, I like the .org (or what I've seen of it anyway) and I like Sideshow Freaks... HOWEVER, I have never, ever been a member of any online forums that had a problem using gmail, yahoomail, hotmail, or whatever and spam has never been an issue on any of them. I regularly post on Hisstank, Yojoe, TNI and here, and I've been a sporadic member/lurker of a number of other forums over the years as well. It's quite a strange rule for the .org to have, in my opinion. I can sort of see the logic behind it - IN THEORY - but considering that every other forum I've ever known hasn't resorted to this, I find it odd that the .org is so steadfast in their position.
Second, I don't think I know ANYONE who uses a service provider email. I can't think of ONE PERSON who doesn't use either hotmail, yahoo or gmail (unless you count work emails). Now, obviously some of you do, or you wouldn't be able to be a member of the .org, but as far as my friends, co-workers, etc go, I can't think of a single person, at least under the age of forty.
I also don't see the logic behind "proving" that you pay for the internet by paying the .org some kind of fee. Why would anyone have to prove they pay for the internet? We ALL have to pay for it (or our parents, or whatever, in some cases I'm sure).
I mean, if there's a fee to join, just come out and say it (or maybe they do? I don't actually know).
Back to Panthor.
So, was the headdress thing a completely new idea the 4H came up with or what? I had asked if it had shown up in any kind of media over the years (comics, mini-comics, pre-production art/mock-ups, etc) but no one replied.